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GridLAB-D is an open-source (BSD license) simulation and analysis tool that models emerging smart grid energy technologies. It couples power flow calculations with distribution automation models, building energy use and appliance demand models, and market models. It is used primarily to estimate the benefits and impacts of smart grid technology.
GridLAB-D was developed under funding from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Electricity (OE) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), in collaboration with industry and academia. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and several Linux implementations.
See also
- Notes
- Guttromson, R.T.; Chassin, D.P.; Widergren, S.E., Residential energy resource models for distribution feeder simulation, IEEE 2003 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, vol. 1, 13–17 July 2003.
- Guttromson, R.T., Modeling distributed energy resource dynamics on the transmission system, IEEE 2003 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, vol. 4, 13–17 July 2003.
- Widergren, S.E.; Roop, J.M.; Guttromson, R.T.; Huang, Z., Simulating the dynamic coupling of market and physical system operations, IEEE 2004 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, vol. 1, 6–10 June 2004, 748 - 753.
- Ning Lu; Chassin, D.P., A state-queueing model of thermostatically controlled appliances, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 19, no. 3, August 2004, 1666-–1673.
- Ning Lu; Chassin, D.P.; A state queueing model of thermostatically controlled appliances, Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004. IEEE PES
- Lu, N.; Chassin, D.P.; Widergren, S.E., Simulating price responsive distributed resources, IEEE 2004 PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, vol.3, 10-13 Oct. 2004, 1538 - 1543.
- Ning Lu; Taylor, Z.T.; Chassin, D.P.; Guttromson, R.; Studham, S.; Parallel computing environments and methods for power distribution system simulation, Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005. IEEE
- Ning Lu; Chassin, D.P.; Widergren, S.E., Modeling uncertainties in aggregated thermostatically controlled loads using a State queueing model, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, volume 20, issue 2, May 2005, 725 - 733.
- Ning Lu; Chassin, D.P.; Widergen, S.E.; Modeling uncertainties in aggregated thermostatically controlled loads using a state queueing model, Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005. IEEE
- Ning Lu; Taylor, Z.T.; Chassin, D.P.; Guttromson, R.; Studham, S., Parallel computing environments and methods for power distribution system simulation, IEEE 2005 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, vol. 1, 12–16 June 2005, 215 - 220.
- Roop, J.M.; Fathelrahman, E.M.; Widergren, S.E., Price response can make the grid robust: an agent-based discussion, IEEE 2005 Power Engineering Society General Meeting; vol. 3, 12–16 June 2005, 2813 - 2817.
- Chassin, D.P.; Armstrong, P.R.; Chavarria-Miranda, D.G.; Guttromson, R.T. ., Gauss-Seidel accelerated: implementing flow solvers on field programmable gate arrays, IEEE 2006 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 18–22 June 2006.
- Nieplocha, J.; Marquez, A.; Tipparaju, V.; Chavarria-Miranda, D.; Guttromson, R.; Huang, H., Towards efficient power system state estimators on shared memory computers, IEEE 2006 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 18–22 June 2006.
- Chassin, D.P.; Schneider, K.; Gerkensmeyer, C., GridLAB-D: An open-source power systems modeling and simulation environment, IEEE 2008 PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 21–24 April 2008.
- Schneider, K.P.; Chassin, D.; Chen, Y.; Fuller, J.C., Distribution power flow for smart grid technologies, IEEE PSE Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 15–18 March 2009.
- Jong-Ho Byun; Ravindran, A.; Mukherjee, A.; Joshi, B.; Chassin, D., Accelerating the Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solver on a High Performance Reconfigurable Computer, 17th IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 5–7 April 2009.
- Schneider, K.P.; Chen, Y.; Engle, D.; Chassin, D., A Taxonomy of North American radial distribution feeders, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 26–30 July 2009.
- Chassin, D.P.; Widergren, S.E., Simulating demand participation in market operations, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 26–30 July 2009.
- Schneider, K.P.; Chassin, D.; Chen, Y.; Fuller, J.C.; Distribution power flow for smart grid technologies, Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2009. PSCE '09. IEEE/PES
- Aliprantis, D., Penick, S., Tesfatsion, L., Huan, Z., Integrated Retail and Wholesale Power System Operation with Smart Grid Functionality, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2010.
- Pratt, R.G., Fuller, J.C., Secrest, T.J., Tuffner, F.K., Business Case for Scalable Demand Response., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory report for NRECA, 2010.
- Schneider, K.P., Fuller, J.C., Tuffner, F., Singh, R., Evaluation of Conservation Voltage Reduction on a National Level, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory report for the US Department of Energy, 2010
- Schneider, K.P., Fuller, J.C., Tuffner, F., Singh, R., and Chen, Y, Evaluation of General Electric’s Coordinated Volt VAR Control for American Electric Power, Pacific Northwest Laboratory report for American Electric Power, 2010.
- Schneider, K.P., Fuller, J.C., Detailed End Use Load Modeling for Distribution System Analysis, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010.
- Schneider, K.P., Fuller, J.C., Voltage Control Devices on the IEEE 8500 Node Test Feeder, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conf. and Exp., 2010.
- Fuller, J.C., Temperature Dependent Control of Community Energy Storage Devices, Washington State University Libraries in fulfillment for MSEE, 2010.
- Schneider, K.P., Fuller, J.C., Detailed Analysis of Distribution System Voltage Reduction, Proceedings of 2010 Distributech, 2010.
- Schneider, K.P., Fuller, J.C, Chassin, D., Multi-State Load Models for Distribution System Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2011.
- Schneider, K.P., Fuller, J.C., Chassin, D., Evaluating conservation voltage reduction: An application of GridLAB-D, An open source software package, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011.
- Martinez, J.A.; Dinavahi, V.; Nehrir, M.H.; Guillaud, X.; Tools for Analysis and Design of Distributed Resources—Part IV: Future Trends, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
- Vuppala, S.K.; Padmanabh, K.; Bose, S.K.; Paul, S.; Incorporating fairness within Demand response programs in smart grid, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2011 IEEE PES.
External links
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