Gradište (Binačko)

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Coordinates: 42°25′28″N 21°33′14″E / 42.42444°N 21.55389°E / 42.42444; 21.55389


Upper Town of Gradište Fortess
Location Podgrađe (Gnjilane)
Type Fortification
Founded 1300 - 1400
Official name: Градиште (Каљаја), Подграђе, Гњилане
Type Cultural
Designated 20 December 1956

Gradište or Kaljaja is a fortress located near village Podgrađe, 10 kilometers south-east of Gnjilane. It was built on a hill overlooking the confluence of a stream in Binačka Morava, and dates from the 14th century. It is designated as Protected Archaeological Site, under protection of Republic of Serbia from 20 December 1956.[1][2]


The fortress is situated on a hill that rises about 50 meters above the river valley. It consists of the Lower Town, surrounded by walls and a more preserved citadel (Upper Town) at the top of the hill.

The layout of Upper Town is based on irregular pentagon that follows the shape of the hilltop, with three vertices (southwest, northwest and northeast) reinforced with towers. At the highest point of fortress is a donjon tower, roughly square in plan (about 8x8m) of which are preserved west wall up to a height of about 10 meters with an entrance and part of the south wall with arrowslits, while the remains of the east wall are visible the remains of another arrowslit. The entrance to the Upper Town was located probably northwest of the tower, on the side from which the fort was the easiest to approach, since it shows the remains of the access ramp. Remnants of other buildings were found in the area. Fortress walls are in some places, preserved up to 4 meters in height.


  1. Rešenje Zavoda za zaštitu i naučno proučavanje spomenika kulture AKMO u Prištini, br. 251 od 20.12.1956.g. Zakon o zaštiti spomenika kulture i prirodnih retkosti (Sl. glasnik NRS br. 54/4). (Serbian)
  2. Monuments of Culture in Serbia: GRADIŠTE (KALJAJA) (SANU) (Serbian) (English)


  • Иван Здравковић, „Средњовековни градови и дворци на Косову“, Београд, 1975.

See also

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