Graded (mathematics)

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In mathematics, the term “graded” has a number of related meanings:

  • An algebraic structure X is said to be I-graded for an index set I if it has a gradation or grading, i.e. a decomposition into a direct sum X=\oplus _{{i\in I}}X_{i} of structures; the elements of X_{i} are said to be “homogenous of degree i”.
    • The index set I is most commonly {\mathbb  {N}} or {\mathbb  {Z}}, and may be required to have extra structure depending on the type of X.
    • The trivial ({\mathbb  {Z}}- or {\mathbb  {N}}-) gradation has X_{0}=X,X_{i}=0 for i\neq 0 and a suitable trivial structure 0.
    • An algebraic structure is said to be doubly graded if the index set is a direct product; the pairs may be called as “bidegrees” (e.g. see spectral sequence).
  • A I-graded vector space or graded linear space for a set I is thus a vector space with a decomposition into a direct sum V=\oplus _{{i\in I}}V_{i} of spaces.
    • A graded linear map is a map between graded vector spaces respecting their gradations.
  • A graded ring is a ring that is a direct sum of abelian groups R_{i} such that R_{i}R_{j}\subseteq R_{{i+j}}, with i taken from some monoid, usually {\mathbb  {N}} or {\mathbb  {Z}}, or semigroup (for a ring without identity).
  • A graded module is left module M over a graded ring which is a direct sum \oplus _{{i\in I}}M_{i} of modules satisfying R_{i}M_{j}\subseteq M_{{i+j}}.
    • The associated graded module of an R-module M with respect to a proper ideal I is \operatorname {gr}_{I}M=\oplus _{{n\in {\mathbb  {N}}}}I^{n}M/I^{{n+1}}M.
    • A differential graded module, differential graded {\mathbb  {Z}}-module or DG-module is a graded module M with a differential d\colon M\to M\colon M_{i}\to M_{{i+1}} making M a chain complex, i.e. d\circ d=0 .
  • A graded algebra is an algebra A over a ring R that is graded as a ring; if R is graded we also require A_{i}R_{j}\subseteq A_{{i+j}}\supseteq R_{i}A_{j}.
    • The graded Leibniz rule for a map d\colon A\to A on a graded algebra A specifies that d(a\cdot b)=(da)\cdot b+(-1)^{{|a|}}a\cdot (db) .
    • A differential graded algebra, DG-algebra or DGAlgebra is a graded algebra which is a differential graded module whose differential obeys the graded Leibniz rule.
    • A homogeneous derivation on a graded algebra A is a homogeneous linear map of grade d = |D| on A such that D(ab)=D(a)b+\varepsilon ^{{|a||D|}}aD(b),\varepsilon =\pm 1 acting on homogeneous elements of A.
    • A graded derivation is a sum of homogeneous derivations with the same \varepsilon .
    • A DGA is an augmented DG-algebra, or differential graded augmented algebra, (see differential graded algebra).
    • A superalgebra is a a Z2-graded algebra.
      • A graded-commutative superalgebra satisfies the “supercommutative” law yx=(-1)^{{|x||y|}}xy.\, for homogenous x,y, where |a| represents the “parity” of a, i.e. 0 or 1 depending on the component in which it lies.
    • CDGA may refer to the category of augmented differential graded commutative algebras.
  • A graded Lie algebra is a Lie algebra which is graded as a vector space by a gradation compatible with its Lie bracket.
    • A graded Lie superalgebra is a graded Lie algebra with the requirement for anticommutativity of its Lie bracket relaxed.
    • A supergraded Lie superalgebra is a graded Lie superalgebra with an additional super Z/2Z-gradation.
    • A Differential graded Lie algebra is a graded vector space over a field of characteristic zero together with a bilinear map [,]:L_{i}\otimes L_{j}\to L_{{i+j}} and a differential d:L_{i}\to L_{{i-1}} satisfying [x,y]=(-1)^{{|x||y|+1}}[y,x], for any homogeneous elements x, y in L, the “graded Jacobi identity” and the graded Leibniz rule.
  • The Graded Brauer group is a synonym for the Brauer–Wall group BW(F) classifying finite-dimensional graded central division algebras over the field F.
  • An {\mathcal  {A}}-graded category for a category {\mathcal  {A}} is a category {\mathcal  {C}} together with a functor F:{\mathcal  {C}}\rightarrow {\mathcal  {A}}.
  • Graded manifold – extension of the manifold concept based on ideas coming from supersymmetry and supercommutative algebra, including sections on
    • Graded function
    • Graded vector fields
    • Graded exterior forms
    • Graded differential geometry
    • Graded differential calculus
  • Functionally graded elements are elements used in finite element analysis.
  • A graded poset is a poset P with a rank function \rho \colon P\to {\mathbb  {N}} compatible with the ordering (so ρ(x)<ρ(y) ⇐ x < y) such that y covers x\rho (y)=\rho (x)+1 .
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