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Glyceollins are a family of prenylated pterocarpan found in ineffective types of nodule in soybean in response to symbiotic infection.[1] They are phytoalexins with an antiestrogenic activity.[2]

Molecules found in the family are :


Glycinol is the direct precursor of glyceollins through the action of a prenyltransferase. Glyceollin synthase then transforms those prenylated precursors into glyceollins.


  1. Soybean root response to symbiotic infection: Glyceollin accumulation in an ineffective type of nodule with an early loss of the peribacteroid membrane. Werner, D., R.B. Mellor, M.G. Hahn and H. Grisebach (1985), Z. Naturforsch., 40, 171-181.
  2. Glyceollins, a Novel Class of Antiestrogenic Phytoalexins. Syreeta L. Tilghman, Stephen M. Boué and Matthew E. Burow, Mol Cell Pharmacol 2010;2(4), pp. 155-160, doi:10.4255/mcpharmacol.10.21
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