Georgi Nadjakov

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Georgi Nadjakov (December 26, 1896 - February 24, 1981) is a famous Bulgarian physicist. He became a corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences (1940) in Germany, member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1945) and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1958).

Sofia University sent him to specialize in the laboratories of Paul Langevin and Marie Curie in Paris, where he investigated photoelectricity for one year.

Georgi Nadjakov experimentally investigated photoconducting properties of sulphur. He prepared the permanent wikt:photoelectret state of matter for the first time and published his paper in 1937 [1] and 1938.[2] He called[citation needed] the electret discovered by Mototaro Eguchi in 1919, thermoelectret and the electret discovered by him in 1937, photoelectret.[3][4]
Photoelectrets were the most notable achievement of Georgi Nadjakov. It's practical application led to the invention of the photocopier by Chester Carlson some years later.


  • Nadjakov Glacier on Graham Land in Antarctica is named after Georgi Nadjakov.
  • Institute of Solid State Physics is since 1982 known as Georgi Nadjakov Institute of Solid State Physics. It's predecessor was founded by Georgi Nadjakov in 1946.

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  1. "Georgi Nadjakov, SUR UNE NOUVELLE ESPECE DE POLARISATION PERMANENTE DES DIELECTRIQUES". Comptes rendus de l’Academie des Sciences a Paris 204: 1865–1866. 1937. 
  2. "G. Nadjakov, UBER EINE NEUE ART VON ELEKTRETEN: PHOTOELEKTRETEN". Physikalische Zeitschrift 39 (6): 226 – 227. 1938. 
  3. "Photoelectret State of Matter". 
  4. Kao, Kwan-Chi (2004). "5: Electrets". Dielectric Phenomena in Solids. Academic Press. p. 283. ISBN 0123965616. Retrieved November 2013. 

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