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Developer(s) Biomatters Ltd.
Stable release R7 / 8 October 2013 (2013-10-08)
Operating system Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Platform Java
Type Bioinformatics
License Personal, Floating

Geneious is suite of cross-platform bioinformatics software applications developed by Biomatters Ltd. The current version is Geneious R7, released in October 2013.


Geneious bundles various bioinformatics tools with an email client-like interface. Features include:

  • Fast de novo and reference assembly of illumina, SOLiD, 454 and Sanger data
  • Paired-end visualization
  • Split viewer for genome browsing, easy restriction analysis and cloning workflows
  • Virtual gel viewer
  • Microsatellite viewer
  • Sequence searching (NCBI, Uniprot, BLAST) and publication searching (PubMed, Entrez)
  • Automated search agents and smart agents - smart agents can be trained to search for other related documents
  • Sequence alignment and sequence viewing - BLAST, MUSCLE, MAFFT, translation alignment, ClustalW MAUVE Genome Alignment
  • Motif search and open reading frame prediction
  • Genome and protein annotations
  • Phylogenetic tree building UPGMA, Neighbour joining with bootstrapping and consensus trees, PAUP*, MrBayes and PhyML plugin
  • Contig assembly and chromatogram editing
  • in silico cloning and Gateway cloning - Restriction digest, insert and ligate into vector, add attB sites, PB reaction, LR reaction. Gibson Assembly and Topo Cloning are included in Geneious R7.
  • PCR Primer design - designing and testing, degenerate primers, mismatches and multiple primer searching, implementation of Primer3
  • Protein structure viewer
  • Collaborate and share data over the internet
  • Teach bioinformatics - Create tutorials with direct links to material in Geneious
  • Sassafras K2 license server support
  • Various standard bioinformatics applications such as ClustalW, MrBayes, EMBOSS, Mauve, MUSCLE and PAUP*

Geneious Plugins

Along with a core suite of bioinformatics tools, Geneious provides free plugins to extend functionality. These plugins may be created by anyone in the community using a Public API, providing the opportunity to wrap a popular algorithm in a biologist-friendly user interface.[1]


  • PAUP* - Phylogenetic inference using PAUP*
  • MrBayes - Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using MrBayes
  • RAxML - Fast maximum-likelihood tree building on large datasets with RAxML
  • Species Delimitation - Investigate diversity and new species from phylogenetic trees
  • PhyML - Phylogenetic inference for molecular evolution using PhyML
  • FastTree - Fast phylogenetic tree building of huge datasets using FastTree
  • GARLI - Fast maximum likelihood tree building on large datasets with GARLI

Nucleotide Analysis

  • Phobos - Search complete genomes for tandem repeats using Phobos
  • Heterozygotes - Identify heterozygotes in sequences with secondary peak calling
  • Glimmer Gene Prediction - Find genes in microbial DNA with Glimmer
  • DualBrothers Recombination Detection -Identify recombination events in a phylogenetic history with DualBrothers
  • CpG Islands - Find targets for DNA methylation by predicting CpG islands
  • Microsatellite - Streamlined microsatellite genotyping

Protein Analysis

  • Transmembrane Prediction - Predict transmembrane spanning regions of proteins
  • PDB Structure Aligner - Structural alignment of PDB protein sequences
  • InterPro Scan - Scan protein sequences against the InterPro database consortium
  • Coiled Coils - Predict protein coiled coil regions

Services and Searching

  • QuRe - Reconstruct viral quasispecies from next-generation sequencing data
  • PlasmoDB and PiroplasmaDB - Search and download gene and protein information on eukaryotic pathogens
  • GenBank Submission - Simplify the process of submitting sequences, genomes, features, primers and traces
  • Collaboration - Integrated chat client


  • * LASTZ - Align large genomes using LASTZ
  • * Mauve - Align multiple genomes to determine conserved genomic DNA with Mauve
  • * MAFFT - Fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment with MAFFT


  • * Bowtie - Fast alignment with Bowtie
  • * Velvet - De novo assembly of short reads with Velvet


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike; additional terms may apply for the media files.