Gary Winkel
Gary Winkel is a Professor of Environmental Psychology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York He received his Ph.D. in psychology at the University of Washington with a minor in quantitative methods.
After receiving his degree, he served as an Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Washington and was involved in research on museum and exhibit design as well as a project concerned with the redevelopment of downtown Seattle, Washington. During this period, he also worked jointly with Philip Thiel and Francis Ventre on the development of the first interdisciplinary journal focused on person/environment relationships. He served as editor of Environment and Behavior from 1969 until 1980.
In 1968, Professor Winkel joined the Environmental Psychology Program at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. There, in collaboration with William Ittelson, Harold Proshansky, and Leanne Rivlin, he was the co-author of the first textbook in environmental psychology titled Introduction to Environmental Psychology. His research interests moved in the direction of hospital design and he worked for seven years as a research and design consultant to Bellevue Hospital in New York. Subsequently, he began working with Professor Susan Saegert of the Environmental Psychology Program on housing and community related research which has continued until the present. In addition to his interests in housing research, Professor Winkel has focused on methodological and statistical issues related to field research in environmental psychology.