G2 manifold

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In differential geometry, a G2 manifold is a seven-dimensional Riemannian manifold with holonomy group G2. The group G_{2} is one of the five exceptional simple Lie groups. It can be described as the automorphism group of the octonions, or equivalently, as a proper subgroup of special orthogonal group SO(7) that preserves a spinor in the eight-dimensional spinor representation or lastly as the subgroup of the general linear group GL(7) which preserves the non-degenerate 3-form \phi , the associative form. The Hodge dual, \psi =*\phi is then a parallel 4-form, the coassociative form. These forms are calibrations in the sense of Harvey-Lawson, and thus define special classes of 3 and 4 dimensional submanifolds.


If M is a G_{2}-manifold, then M is:

  • Ricci-flat,
  • orientable,
  • a spin manifold.


Manifold with holonomy G_{2} was firstly introduced by Edmond Bonan in 1966, who constructed the parallel 3-form, the parallel 4-form and showed that this manifold was Ricci-flat. The first complete, but noncompact 7-manifolds with holonomy G_{2} were constructed by Robert Bryant and Salamon in 1989. The first compact 7-manifolds with holonomy G_{2} were constructed by Dominic Joyce in 1994, and compact G_{2} manifolds are sometimes known as "Joyce manifolds", especially in the physics literature.

See also

Connections to physics

These manifolds are important in string theory. They break the original supersymmetry to 1/8 of the original amount. For example, M-theory compactified on a G_{2} manifold leads to a realistic four-dimensional (11-7=4) theory with N=1 supersymmetry. The resulting low energy effective supergravity contains a single supergravity supermultiplet, a number of chiral supermultiplets equal to the third Betti number of the G_{2} manifold and a number of U(1) vector supermultiplets equal to the second Betti number.

See also: Calabi-Yau manifold, Spin(7) manifold


  • E. Bonan, (1966), "Sur les variétés riemanniennes à groupe d'holonomie G2 ou Spin(7)", C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 262: 127129 .
  • Bryant, R.L. (1987), "Metrics with exceptional holonomy", Annals of Mathematics (Annals of Mathematics) 126 (2): 525576, doi:10.2307/1971360, JSTOR 1971360 .
  • Bryant, R.L.; Salamon, S.M. (1989), "On the construction of some complete metrics with exceptional holonomy", Duke Mathematical Journal 58: 829850 .
  • M. Fernandez; A. Gray (1982), "Riemannian manifolds with structure group G2", Ann. Mat.Pura Appl. 32: 19845 .
  • Harvey, R.; Lawson, H.B. (1982), "Calibrated geometries", Acta Mathematica 148: 47157, doi:10.1007/BF02392726 .
  • Joyce, D.D. (2000), Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-850601-5 .
  • Karigiannis, Spiro (2011), "What Is . . . a G2-Manifold?", AMS Notices 58 (04): 580–581 .
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