Fritz Nieden

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Fritz Nieden (1883 - 1942) was a German zoologist who specialized in African herpetology.

He worked as a zoologist at the "Museum für Naturkunde" in Berlin. His name is associated with "Nieden's dwarf skink", Panaspis megalurus.[1] In 1911 he was the first to describe Callulina kreffti, which until 2004 was the only known species of the genus Callulina.[2][3]

The Sagala caecilian, Boulengerula niedeni is named after him.[4]

Selected writings

  • Die Amphibienfauna von Kamerun, 1908 - Amphibians of the Kamerun.
  • Die Reptilien (außer den Schlangen) und Amphibien, 1910 - Reptiles (other than snakes) and amphibians.
  • Gymnophoina (Amphibia apoda), 1913 - Gymnophiona (caecilians).
  • Amphibia : Anura I subordo aglossa und phanerglossa, sectio 1 arcifera, 1923 - Anura I, suborders Aglossa and Phaneroglossa.
  • Amphibia. Anura II. Engystomatidae ... Mit 55 Abbildungen, 1926 - Anura II, Engystomatidae.[5]


  1. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles by Bo Beolens, Michael Watkins, Michael Grayson
  2. Squamates Recently Discovered Diversity in Breviciptid Frogs
  3. IUCN Red List
  4. Lifedesks African amphibians
  5. WorldCat Identities (list of published works)
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