Friedrich von Eichheimer

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Georg Friedrich von[1] Eichheimer (August 18, 1764 – October 13, 1854) was a Bavarian military physician and Generalstabsarzt (Surgeon General) of the Army.

Eichheimer was born in Bensheim. He joined the Bavarian army as a Feldsher on August 21, 1786, and took part in campaigns against France, Austria, Prussia and Russia from 1790 to 1812. Afterwards he was chief of the medical service (Chef des Sanitätswesens) in the army of general Karl Philipp von Wrede in the rank of Oberstarzt.[2] He was advanced to the rank Major General (MC) in 1826, and died in Munich ,[3] where he lived at Sonnenstraße 18 around 1850.[4]


  • Umfassende Darstellung des Militair-Medizinal-Wesens in allen seinen Beziehungen mit Rücksicht auf die dermaligen Armeen-Verfassungen im Allgemeinen, zunächst aber als ein vollständiges Reglement für die Königlich-Baierische in Friedens- und Kriegszeiten, Augsburg, 1824[5]

References and notes

  1. In German personal names, von is a preposition which approximately means of or from and usually denotes some sort of nobility. While von (always lower case) is part of the family name or territorial designation, not a first or middle name, if the noble is referred to by surname alone in English, use Schiller or Clausewitz or Goethe, not von Schiller, etc.
  2. Bayerische Armee 1813-1814.
  3. (ADB)
  4. Paul Maucher: Alphabetic register of house owners 1849-1851, p. 11.
  5. , Becker Medical Library, Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri.
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