Fried Egg structure

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The Fried Egg is an informal name for an underwater geomorphic structure that is a suspected impact crater. This structure, which lies at a depth of 2 kilometres (1.2 mi), consists of a 300 meters (980 ft) high and 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) in diameter circular dome that lies within a 110 meters (360 ft) deep, 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) in diameter, and roughly circular depression. It is this morphology on which its informal name is based.[1] It lies about 150 kilometres (93 mi) from the Azores archipelago.[2] Images that accompany newspaper articles show the presence of a well-defined rim that surrounds the roughly circular depression. These images also show a smaller roughly circular depression, which also contains a central peak, lies adjacent to the Fried Egg structure.[2]

This structure is less than 17 million years old as constrained by the age of the ocean floor of which it is a part. Based on its morphology and the absence of any obvious lava flows that can be seen in the multibeam echosounder bathymetric data, it is hypothesized that this structure is a possible oceanic impact crater.[1]

In news articles, it was reported that the Fried Egg structure was first identified using data acquired during a 2008 multibeam echosounder hydrographic survey. It presence was confirmed during a research cruise during September to November of 2009. In addition, it was reported that gravity and magnetic data were also acquired during the September 2009 research cruise and that a third expedition using remotely operated underwater vehicles to gather samples from this structure was planned.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Dias, FC, N Lourenco, A Lobo, A Santos de Campos, and M Pinto de Abreu (2009) “Fried Egg”: An Oceanic Impact Crater in the Mid-Atlantic? Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P43B-1435.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Amos, J (2009) 'Fried Egg' may be impact crater. BBC News.
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