"Freedom" is the two-part fourth-season season finale of the serial drama television series Grey's Anatomy, consisting of the sixteenth and seventeenth episode of the season, the 77th and 78th episodes in the overall series. The installment aired on May 22, 2008 on the American Broadcasting Company, in a two-hour special, which attracted 18.09 million American viewers.[1] Both episodes were written by series creator and executive producer Shonda Rhimes, and directed by filmmaker and executive producer Rob Corn. Writing for IGN Entertainment, Laura Burrows expressed a positive outlook on the episode, elaborating "As a whole the season finale was satisfying. It wrapped up the loose ends and gave us some food for thought while the show is on its summer hiatus. Shepherd and Meredith are finally going to drink that champagne, Callie has finally come to grips with her sexuality, Sloan is still a man-whore, but at least is willing to share the love and Izzie and Karev are finally going to overcome the Eva/Rebecca hurdle.[2] Debbie Chang of BuddyTV noting the show "seemed to have lost its luster" since the third season, called it the "best episode of the entire season" which was "pitch perfect in almost every conceivable way"; yet she disliked Derek's immaturity.[3]