Franz Kafka bibliography
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This is a bibliography of works by Franz Kafka. While a sortable list of his works concentrates on their text and first publishing, this list adds their publications in English.
English title | Original German title | Translations available | Notes | Cover first edition |
The Trial | Der Process (1925) | Willa and Edwin Muir (1935); Idris Parry (1994); Breon Mitchell (1999); David Wyllie (2003); Richard Stokes (2005); John Williams; (2008) Mike Mitchell (2009) | Includes the parable Before the Law | |
The Castle | Das Schloss (1926) | Willa and Edwin Muir (1930); Mark Harman (1998); J. A. Underwood (2000); Anthea Bell (2009) | published in two versions – Max Brod's 1926 edition and a "definitive edition" in 1951 | |
Amerika or The Man Who Disappeared; Amerika: The Missing Person | Amerika or Der Verschollene (1927) | Willa and Edwin Muir (1938); Michael Hofmann (2004); Mark Harman (2008) | Includes the short story "The Stoker" as first chapter | |
Short stories
This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
English title | Original German title | Collected in: | |
Shamefaced Lanky and Impure in Heart | Der Unredliche in seinem Herzen | Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors | |
Description of a Struggle includes two dialogues originally published separately: Conversation with the Supplicant Conversation with the Drunk | Beschreibung eines Kampfes Gespräch mit dem Beter Gespräch mit dem Betrunkenen | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories; Both dialogues originally published in Hyperion (Munich, 1909); a different version of Conversation with the Supplicant appears in The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
Wedding Preparations in the Country | Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande | The Complete Stories, Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings | |
The Judgment | Das Urteil | The Complete Stories, The Sons, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
The Metamorphosis | Die Verwandlung | The Complete Stories, The Sons, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
The Stoker | Der Heizer | The Sons; first chapter of Amerika | |
In the Penal Colony | In der Strafkolonie | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
The Village Schoolmaster (The Giant Mole) | Der Dorfschullehrer or Der Riesenmaulwurf | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China | |
Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor | Blumfeld, ein älterer Junggeselle | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories | |
The Warden of the Tomb (short play) | Der Gruftwächter | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories | |
A Country Doctor | Ein Landarzt | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
The Hunter Gracchus | Der Jäger Gracchus | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Great Wall of China | |
The Great Wall of China | Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China | |
A Report to an Academy | Ein Bericht für eine Akademie | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
The Refusal | Die Abweisung | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes | |
A Hunger Artist | Ein Hungerkünstler | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
Investigations of a Dog | Forschungen eines Hundes | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China | |
A Little Woman | Eine kleine Frau | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | |
The Burrow | Der Bau | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China | |
Josephine the Singer, or The Mouse Folk | Josefine, die Sängerin oder Das Volk der Mäuse | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
English title | German title |
Children on a Country Road | Kinder auf der Landstraße |
The Trees | Die Bäume |
Clothes | Kleider |
Excursion into the Mountains | Der Ausflug ins Gebirge |
Rejection | Die Abweisung |
The Street Window | Das Gassenfenster |
The Tradesman | Der Kaufmann |
Absent-minded Window-gazing | Zerstreutes Hinausschaun |
The Way Home | Der Nachhauseweg |
Passers-by | Die Vorüberlaufenden |
On the Tram | Der Fahrgast |
Reflections for Gentlemen-Jockeys | Zum Nachdenken für Herrenreiter |
The Wish to be a Red Indian | Wunsch, Indianer zu werden |
Unhappiness | Unglücklichsein |
Bachelor's Ill Luck | Das Unglück des Junggesellen |
Unmasking a Confidence Trickster | Entlarvung eines Bauernfängers |
The Sudden Walk | Der plötzliche Spaziergang |
Resolutions | Entschlüsse |
English title | Original German title | Included in: |
A Dream | Ein Traum | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
Up in the Gallery | Auf der Galerie | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
A Fratricide | Der Mord / Ein Brudermord | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
The Next Village | Das nächste Dorf | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
A Visit to a Mine | Ein Besuch im Bergwerk | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
Jackals and Arabs | Schakale und Araber | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
The Bridge | Die Brücke | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China |
The Bucket Rider | Der Kübelreiter | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces, The Great Wall of China |
The New Advocate | Der neue Advokat | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
An Old Manuscript | Ein altes Blatt | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
The Knock at the Manor Gate | Der Schlag ans Hoftor | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China |
Eleven Sons | Elf Söhne | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
My Neighbor | Der Nachbar | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China |
A Crossbreed | Eine Kreuzung | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China |
The Cares of a Family Man | Die Sorge des Hausvaters | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
A Common Confusion | Eine alltägliche Verwirrung | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China |
The Truth about Sancho Panza | Die Wahrheit über Sancho Pansa | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Great Wall of China |
The Silence of the Sirens | Das Schweigen der Sirenen | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Great Wall of China |
Prometheus | Prometheus | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Great Wall of China |
The City Coat of Arms | Das Stadtwappen | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Great Wall of China |
Poseidon | Poseidon | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes |
Fellowship | Gemeinschaft | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
At Night | Nachts | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
The Problem of Our Laws | Zur Frage der Gesetze | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Great Wall of China |
The Conscription of Troops | Die Truppenaushebung | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
The Test | Die Prüfung | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes |
The Vulture | Der Geier | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes |
The Helmsman | Der Steuermann | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
The Top | Der Kreisel | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
A Little Fable | Kleine Fabel | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China |
Home-Coming | Heimkehr | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
First Sorrow | Erstes Leid | The Complete Stories, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
The Departure | Der Aufbruch | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
Advocates | Fürsprecher | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
The Married Couple | Das Ehepaar | The Complete Stories, The Great Wall of China |
Give It Up! | Gibs auf | Description of a Struggle, The Complete Stories |
On Parables | Von den Gleichnissen | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Great Wall of China |
Before the Law | Vor dem Gesetz | The Complete stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces; part of The Trial |
A Message from the Emperor | Eine kaiserliche Botschaft | The Complete Stories, Parables and Paradoxes, The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces; part of "The Great Wall of China" |
Peking and the Emperor | Der Kaiser von Peking | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Great Wall and the Tower of Babel | Die Chinesische Mauer und der Turmbau von Babel | Parables and Paradoxes |
Paradise | Das Paradies | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Tower of Babel | Der Turm zu Babel | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Pit of Babel | Der Schacht von Babel | Parables and Paradoxes |
Abraham | Abraham | Parables and Paradoxes |
Mount Sinai | Der Berg Sinai | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Building of the Temple | Der Tempelbau | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Animal in the Synagogue | Das Tier in der Synagoge | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Watchman | Der Wächter | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Coming of the Messiah | Das Kommen des Messias | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Sirens | Die Sirenen | Parables and Paradoxes |
Leopards in the Temple | Leoparden in Tempel | Parables and Paradoxes |
Alexander the Great | Alexander der Grosse | Parables and Paradoxes |
Diogenes | Diogenes | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Building of a City | Der Bau einer Stadt | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Imperial Colonel | Der Kaiserliche Oberst | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Emperor | Der Kaiser | Parables and Paradoxes |
In the Caravansary | In der Karawanserei | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Cell | Die Zelle | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Invention of the Devil | Die Erfindung des Teufels | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Savages | Die Wilden | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Green Dragon | Der Grüne Drache | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Tiger | Der Tiger | Parables and Paradoxes |
Couriers | Kuriere | Parables and Paradoxes |
A Chinese Puzzle | Ein Geduldspiel | Parables and Paradoxes |
Robinson Crusoe | Robinson Crusoe | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Spring | Die Quelle | Parables and Paradoxes |
The Hunger Strike | Die Unersättlichsten | Parables and Paradoxes |
My Destination | Das Ziel | Parables and Paradoxes |
This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
Diaries and notebooks
Title | Original German title | Translators | Notes |
Diaries 1910–1923 | Tagebücher 1910–1923 | 1910–1913 Joseph Kresh 1914–1923 Martin Greenberg | Originally published in two volumes |
The Blue Octavo Notebooks | Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins | included in Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings |
Title | Original German title | Translators | Notes |
Letter to His Father | Brief an den Vater | Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins | Included in The Sons and Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings |
Letters to Felice | Briefe an Felice und andere Korrespondenz aus der Verlobungszeit | James Stern and Elisabeth Duckworth | Includes Kafka's letters to Grete Bloch |
Letters to Milena | Briefe an Milena | Philip Boehm | Includes Milena's letters to Max Brod, four essays by her and an obituary for Kafka |
Letters to Ottla | Briefe an Ottla und die Familie | Richard and Clara Winston | Includes letters to Kafka's parents, sister Ottla, postcards, and drawings |
Letters to Friends, Family, and Editors | Briefe 1902-1924 | Richard and Clara Winston | Includes a selection from the slips of paper Kafka used to communicate in the last few weeks of his life when he was advised not to speak |
Title | Original German title | Notes | Included in: |
The Aeroplanes At Brescia | Die Aeroplane in Brescia | Report on the air show at Brescia | The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
The First Long Train Journey | Die erste lange Eisenbahnfahrt | Written by Kafka and Max Brod | The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
Review of Hyperion | Eine entschlafene Zeitschrift | Review of the literary magazine | The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
Review of A Novel about Youth | Ein Roman der Jugend | Review of Felix Sternheim's Die Geschichte des jungen Oswald | The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
On Kleist's "Anecdotes" | Über Kleist's Anekdoten | Review of a collection of Heinrich Kleist's anecdotes | The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces |
Work-related writings
Title | Year | Included in: |
The Scope of Compulsory Insurance for the Building trades | 1908 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Speech on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the Institute's New Director | 1909 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Fixed-Rate Insurance Premiums for Small Farms Using Machinery | 1909 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Inclusion of Private Automobile "Firms" in the Compulsory Insurance Program | 1909 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Appeal against Risk Classification of Christian Geipel & Sohn, Mechanical Weaving Mill in Asch | 1910 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Measures for Preventing Accidents from Wood-Planing Machines | 1910 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
On the Examination of Firms by Trade Inspectors | 1911 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Workmen's Insurance and Employers: Two Articles in the Tetschen Bodenbacher Zeitung | 1911 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Petition of the Toy Producers' Association in Katharinaberg, Erzgebirge | 1912 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Risk Classification Appeal by Norbert Hochsieder, Boarding House Owner in Marienbad | 1912 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Letters to the Workmen's Accident Insurance Institute in Prague | 1912-15 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Criminal Charge against Josef Renelt for the Illegal Withholding of Insurance Fees | 1913 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Second International Congress on Accident Prevention and First Aid in Vienna | 1913 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Accident Prevention in Quarries | 1914 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Jubilee Report: Twenty-Five Years of the Workmen's Accident Insurance Institute | 1914 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Risk Classification and Accident Prevention in Wartime | 1915 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
A Public Psychiatric Hospital for German-Bohemia | 1916 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
"Help Disabled Veterans! An Urgent Appeal to the Public" | 1916/1917 | Franz Kafka: The Office Writings |
Schocken editions
Title | Year | Translators | Notes |
The Great Wall of China. Stories and Reflections | 1946 | Willa and Edwin Muir | |
The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces | 1948 | Willa and Edwin Muir | |
Dearest Father. Stories and Other Writings | 1954 | Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins | |
Description of a Struggle | 1958 | Tania and James Stern | |
Parables and Paradoxes | 1961 | Clement Greenberg; Richard and Clara Winston; Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins; Willa and Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern | Bilingual edition |
The Complete Stories | 1971 | Willa and Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern | Reprinted in 1995 with a foreword by John Updike |
I Am a Memory Come Alive | 1974 | Martin Greenberg and Hannah Arendt; Joseph Kresh; Gerald Onn; Willa and Edwin Muir; Tania and James Stern; Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins | Autobiographical writings selected from diaries, letters, and aphorisms |
The Sons | 1989 | Willa and Edwin Muir | Translations revised and updated by Arthur Wensinger |
The Metamorphosis, In the Penal Colony, and Other Stories | 1995 | Willa and Edwin Muir | Includes all the stories published in Kafka's lifetime |
The Zürau Aphorisms | 2006 | Michael Hofmann; Geoffrey Brock |
Other editions
Title | Year | Publisher | Translators | Notes |
The Basic Kafka | 1979 | Pocket Books | Willa and Edwin Muir Tania and James Stern Richard and Clara Winston | A selection from Kafka's short stories, diaries, and letters. |
The Penguin Complete Novels of Franz Kafka | 1983 | Penguin Books | Willa and Edwin Muir | Includes The Trial, The Castle, and Amerika; republished by Vintage in 1999 |
Metamorphosis and Other Stories | 2007 | Penguin Classics | Collection of Kafka's works | |
Franz Kafka: The Office Writings | 2008 | Princeton University Press | Eric Patton; Ruth Hein | A selection of Kafka's professional writings |
Kafka's Greatest Stories | 2010 | Vook | Enhanced with video providing historical background on Kafka's life and influences.) | |
Essential Kafka: Rendezvous with Otherness | 2011 | Authorhouse | Enhanced with video providing historical background on Kafka's life and influences.) |
English title | Original German title | Written with: | Notes |
Richard and Samuel | Richard und Samuel | Max Brod | Intended to be a novel; only the first chapter was completed.[1] |
See also
- ↑ The Kafka Project – Erstes Kapitel des Buches "Richard und Samuel" von Max Brod und Franz Kafka (German)
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