February 2011

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February 2011 was the second month of that common year. It began on a Tuesday and ended after 28 days on a Monday.

International holidays

(See Holidays and observances, on sidebar at right, below)

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from February 2011.

Current events of February 1, 2011 (2011-02-01) (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
  • The owner of China's fourth-most visited website, Sohu.com Inc, posted a better-than-estimated 41 percent gain in profit after the company raised prices and boosted services such as video sharing. (China Daily)
  • A court in London bars the oil company BP from entering into a planned joint venture and share swap with Rosneft, a state-controlled Russian company. (Reuters)
International relations
Law and crime
  • U.S. soldier Bradley Manning, the alleged whistleblower who is thought to have revealed secret U.S. government documents to the international public, is reported to be held in solitary confinement awaiting trial by the United States for seven months now, treatment which the United Nations deems a form of torture when used for such prolonged periods. (Al Jazeera)
  • The Karmapa Lama, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, Tibetan Buddhism's third-highest lama, is questioned by police after large amounts of foreign money are found at his monastery in Dharamsala, northern India. Some Indian media allege he is acting as a spy for China. (Asia Times Online)
Politics and elections
Current events of February 2, 2011 (2011-02-02) (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 3, 2011 (2011-02-03) (Thursday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Business and economy
  • The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation announces that world food prices have risen to a record high. (FAO) (Reuters) (BBC)
  • The price of a barrel of Brent crude oil rises to $103 following violent clashes in Egypt. (Reuters)
Law and crime
  • Italy's parliament rejects a search request by prosecutors investigating Silvio Berlusconi for having sexual intercourse with an under-age prostitute. (BBC)
  • A former policeman questions the suicide verdict recorded in the 1979 death of French cabinet minister Robert Boulin, claiming he could not have drowned. His family believe he was murdered. (BBC)
Politics and elections
Science and technology
Current events of February 4, 2011 (2011-02-04) (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
International relations
Politics and elections
Current events of February 5, 2011 (2011-02-05) (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
International relations
  • The largest anti-government demonstration in years occurs in Belgrade, with thousands of disenchanted Serbs travelling to the parliament building from across the country to call for early elections there. An opposition party leader at the event compares it to the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. (BBC) (Deutsche Welle) (Reuters)
  • Thousands of Italians attend a rally to demand the resignation of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi over a sex scandal. (Sky News)
Current events of February 6, 2011 (2011-02-06) (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 7, 2011 (2011-02-07) (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Science and technology
Current events of February 8, 2011 (2011-02-08) (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Current events of February 9, 2011 (2011-02-09) (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 10, 2011 (2011-02-10) (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 11, 2011 (2011-02-11) (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
  • The first investigation into yesterday's plane crash at Cork Airport is expected within a month; the airport remains closed today. (RTÉ)
International relations
  • An American man is held responsible for the "cold-blooded murder" of two men in Lahore, Pakistan, by city police chief Aslam Tareen. (BBC)
  • China's foreign minister Yang Jiechi visits Zimbabwe as the countries agree a $10 billion trade deal. (BBC)
  • North Korea asks its embassies worldwide to appeal for aid to feed its population. (The Independent)
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 12, 2011 (2011-02-12) (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 13, 2011 (2011-02-13) (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 14, 2011 (2011-02-14) (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
  • Fourteen people die in a plane crash in Honduras including a deputy minister in the Government of Honduras Rodolfo Robelo and former finance minister Carlos Chahin. (BBC)
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 15, 2011 (2011-02-15) (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
  • The Israeli Knesset has passed a bill making boycotting Israeli individuals or organizations illegal.(Haaretz)
  • A proposal by a consortium of private contractors to attack WikiLeaks and to discredit journalists in favour of the website - including Glenn Greenwald - is uncovered after thousands of e-mails are leaked onto the internet, some of which call for people who donate to be tracked and intimidated. (The Independent)

Current events of February 16, 2011 (2011-02-16) (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Current events of February 17, 2011 (2011-02-17) (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
  • The European General Court rules in favour of Belgian and British broadcasting restrictions requiring football matches at the World Cup and European Championships on to be available on free-to-air TV. (BBC News)
Current events of February 18, 2011 (2011-02-18) (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
  • The U.S. abandons its criminal investigation of Angelo Mozilo former chairman of Countrywide Financial, in connection with Countrywide's collapse in 2007-08. Mozilo settled a civil action four months ago. (L.A. Times)
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 19, 2011 (2011-02-19) (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
  • Iran's defense minister Ahmad Vahidi unveils 32 scientific and research projects conducted at Malek Ashtar Industrial University. (Press TV)
Current events of February 20, 2011 (2011-02-20) (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Arab Spring:
    • 2011 Libyan civil war:
    • 2011 Bahraini protests:
      • Anti-regime demonstrators continue their overnight occupation of Pearl Roundabout junction in Manama, chanting "Get out Hamad" in reference to the country's ruler, having reclaimed the junction after earlier being forced out by authorities. (Al Jazeera)
    • 2011 Moroccan protests:
      • A coalition of Moroccan youth groups called “The February 20 Movement” calls for peaceful protests in cities throughout the country. (Al Arabiya)
      • Protests spread to the city of Rabat as thousands march on the central Hassan II Avenue calling for health and educational reform, economic opportunity and assistance against increased cost of living. (Al Jazeera)
      • Thousands of Moroccans demonstrate in Rabat demanding that King Mohammed VI give up some of his powers. (BBC) (Afrol News)
    • 2011 Yemeni protests:
  • Protests in other parts of the world:
    • 2011 Chinese protests:
    • 2011 Iranian protests:
      • Iranians are invited to attend a protest rally in Tehran and other cities in commememoration of the two people killed while attempting to demonstrate for better freedoms last week. (Al Jazeera)
      • Mehdi Karroubi, the opposition leader under house arrest, calls for his trial to take place in public so that people can "get to know the truth". He posts the request on his website since he cannot leave his house to personally deliver it. (Al Jazeera)
  • NATO pledges to investigate itself amid reports of its recent killing of dozens of civilians in eastern Afghanistan. (BBC)
  • War in Pakistan:
  • War in Afghanistan:
  • The death is announced of slain LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran's mother Vallipuram Parvathi. (The Hindu)
Arts and culture
  • British gay Muslims fight for equality and the right to be Islamically married. (BBC)
International relations
Law and crime
  • Fifty-three people are killed in a 72-hour period in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (CNN)
Politics and elections
Current events of February 21, 2011 (2011-02-21) (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Current events of February 22, 2011 (2011-02-22) (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 23, 2011 (2011-02-23) (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Current events of February 24, 2011 (2011-02-24) (Thursday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
Law and crime
Current events of February 25, 2011 (2011-02-25) (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 26, 2011 (2011-02-26) (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Current events of February 27, 2011 (2011-02-27) (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Arab Spring
Politics and elections
Current events of February 28, 2011 (2011-02-28) (Monday)
Armed conflicts and incidents
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
  • Former military leaders in Argentina go on trial on charges that they masterminded a plan to steal the children of dissidents. (Al Jazeera)
  • Wing Chau, a money manager, files a lawsuit against Michael Lewis, the author of The Big Short, a popular book about the financial crisis of 2007-08. Chau alleges the book makes "false and defamtory statements" in order to use Chau as a foil for his protagonist, Steve Eisman. (Reuters)
  • A court in the Seychelles sentences ten Somali pirates to 20 years in prison. (Reuters)
  • In the United Kingdom, three senior fire officers from the Warwickshire Fire Service are to face manslaughter by gross negligence charges over the deaths of four firefighters in a warehouse blaze in 2007. (BBC)
  • British Airways IT expert Rajib Karim is convicted on charges related to plotting to blow up a plane. (BBC)
  • British security guard Danny Fitzsimons is jailed for 20 years by an Iraqi court after being convicted of murdering two colleagues. (BBC)
  • Venezuelan union leader Ruben Gonzalez is sentenced to seven years in jail in connection with a strike at the state iron mining company. (Canadian Press via Google News)
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See also

  • List of months by year: 2000–2050


    This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike; additional terms may apply for the media files.