Fano variety
In algebraic geometry, a Fano variety, introduced in (Fano 1934, 1942), is a complete variety whose anticanonical bundle is ample.
Fano varieties are quite rare, compared to other families, like Calabi–Yau manifolds and general type surfaces.
The example of projective hypersurfaces
The fundamental example of Fano varieties are the projective spaces: the anticanonical line bundle of is , which is very ample (its curvature is n+1 times the Fubini–Study symplectic form).
Let D be a smooth Weil divisor in , from the adjunction formula, we infer , where H is the class of the hyperplane. The hypersurface D is therefore Fano if and only if .
Some properties
The existence of some ample line bundle on X is equivalent to X being a projective variety, so a Fano variety is always projective. The Kodaira vanishing theorem implies that the higher cohomology groups of the structure sheaf vanish for . In particular, the first Chern class induces an isomorphism
A Fano variety is simply connected and is uniruled, in particular it has Kodaira dimension −∞.
Classification in small dimensions
Fano varieties in dimensions 1 are isomorphic to the projective line.
In dimension 2 they are the del Pezzo surfaces and in the smooth case, they are isomorphic to either or to the projective plane blown up in at most 8 general points, and in particular are again all rational.
In dimension 3 there are non-rational examples. Iskovskih () classified the smooth Fano 3-folds with second Betti number 1 into 17 classes, and Mori & Mukai (1981) classified the smooth ones with second Betti number at least 2, finding 88 deformation classes.
- Fano, G. (1934), "Sulle varietà algebriche a tre dimensioni aventi tutti i generi nulli", Proc. Internat. Congress Mathematicians (Bologna) , 4 , Zanichelli, pp. 115–119
- Fano, Gino (1942), "Su alcune varietà algebriche a tre dimensioni razionali, e aventi curve-sezioni canoniche", Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 14: 202–211, doi:10.1007/BF02565618, ISSN 0010-2571, MR 0006445
- Iskovskih, V. A. (1977), "Fano threefolds. I", Math. USSR-Izv. 11 (3): 485–527, doi:10.1070/IM1977v011n03ABEH001733, ISSN 0373-2436, MR 463151
- Iskovskih, V. A. (1978), "Fano 3-folds II", Math Ussr Izv 12 (3): 469–506, doi:10.1070/IM1978v012n03ABEH001994Fano+3-folds+II, MR 0463151
- Iskovskih, V. A. (1979), "Anticanonical models of three-dimensional algebraic varieties", Current problems in mathematics, Vol. 12 (Russian), VINITI, Moscow, pp. 59–157, MR 537685
- Kulikov, Vik.S. (2001), "F/f038220", in Hazewinkel, Michiel, Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN 978-1-55608-010-4
- Mori, Shigefumi; Mukai, Shigeru (1981), "Classification of Fano 3-folds with B2≥2", Manuscripta Mathematica 36 (2): 147–162, doi:10.1007/BF01170131, ISSN 0025-2611, MR 641971
- Mori, Shigefumi; Mukai, Shigeru (2003), "Erratum: "Classification of Fano 3-folds with B2≥2"", Manuscripta Mathematica 110 (3): 407, doi:10.1007/s00229-002-0336-2, ISSN 0025-2611, MR 1969009