Face card

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Face Cards
(in decreasing order per suit)
hearts spades clubs diamonds
K | Q | J ♠K | ♠Q | ♠J ♣K | ♣Q | ♣J K | Q | J

In a deck of playing cards, the term face card is generally used to describe a card that depicts a person.

Modern decks include three face cards per suits, or twelve face cards in a suit of four decks.

  • A deck of French playing cards has the following face cards: Jack, Queen. King
  • Italian playing cards replace the Queen by the Knight: Fante (Jack, a younger man standing), Cavaliere (Knight, a man sitting on a horse), Re (King, wearing a crown)
  • German and Swiss playing cards similarly have three male face cards per deck, Under/Unter (Jack, a lower-class man or soldier), Ober (a higher clerk or "knight", not necessarily on a horse), König (King)

While modern decks of playing cards may contain a Joker (or two) depicting a person (such as a jester or clown), jokers are not normally considered to be face cards.

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