Exponential sheaf sequence

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In mathematics, the exponential sheaf sequence is a fundamental short exact sequence of sheaves used in complex geometry.

Let M be a complex manifold, and write OM for the sheaf of holomorphic functions on M. Let OM* be the subsheaf consisting of the non-vanishing holomorphic functions. These are both sheaves of abelian groups. The exponential function gives a sheaf homomorphism

\exp :{\mathcal  O}_{M}\to {\mathcal  O}_{M}^{*},

because for a holomorphic function f, exp(f) is a non-vanishing holomorphic function, and exp(f + g) = exp(f)exp(g). Its kernel is the sheaf 2πiZ of locally constant functions on M taking the values 2πin, with n an integer. The exponential sheaf sequence is therefore

0\to 2\pi i\,{\mathbb  Z}\to {\mathcal  O}_{M}\to {\mathcal  O}_{M}^{*}\to 0.

The exponential mapping here is not always a surjective map on sections; this can be seen for example when M is a punctured disk in the complex plane. The exponential map is surjective on the stalks: Given a germ g of an holomorphic function at a point P such that g(P)  0, one can take the logarithm of g in a neighborhood of P. The long exact sequence of sheaf cohomology shows that we have an exact sequence

\cdots \to H^{0}({\mathcal  O}_{U})\to H^{0}({\mathcal  O}_{U}^{*})\to H^{1}(2\pi i\,{\mathbb  Z}|_{U})\to \cdots

for any open set U of M. Here H0 means simply the sections over U, and the sheaf cohomology H1(2πiZ|U) is the singular cohomology of U. The connecting homomorphism is therefore a generalized winding number and measures the failure of U to be contractible. In other words, there is a potential topological obstruction to taking a global logarithm of a non-vanishing holomorphic function, something that is always locally possible.

A further consequence of the sequence is the exactness of

\cdots \to H^{1}({\mathcal  O}_{M})\to H^{1}({\mathcal  O}_{M}^{*})\to H^{2}(2\pi i\,{\mathbb  Z})\to \cdots .

Here H1(OM*) can be identified with the Picard group of holomorphic line bundles on M. The connecting homomorphism sends a line bundle to its first Chern class.


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