Expander walk sampling

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In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, the expander walk sampling theorem states that sampling vertices in an expander graph by doing a random walk is almost as good as sampling the vertices independently from a uniform distribution. The earliest version of this theorem is due to Ajtai, Komlós & Szemerédi (1987), and the more general version is typically attributed to Gillman (1998).


Let G=(V,E) be an expander graph with normalized second-largest eigenvalue \lambda . Let n denote the number of vertices in G. Let f:V\rightarrow [0,1] be a function on the vertices of G. Let \mu =E[f] denote the true mean of f, i.e. \mu ={\frac  {1}{n}}\sum _{{v\in V}}f(v). Then, if we let Y_{0},Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{k} denote the vertices encountered in a k-step random walk on G starting at a random vertex Y_{0}, we have the following for all \gamma >0:

\Pr \left[{\frac  {1}{k}}\sum _{{i=0}}^{k}f(Y_{i})-\mu >\gamma \right]\leq e^{{-\Omega (\gamma ^{2}(1-\lambda )k)}}.

Here the \Omega hides an absolute constant \geq 1/10. An identical bound holds in the other direction:

\Pr \left[{\frac  {1}{k}}\sum _{{i=0}}^{k}f(Y_{i})-\mu <-\gamma \right]\leq e^{{-\Omega (\gamma ^{2}(1-\lambda )k)}}.


This theorem is useful in randomness reduction in the study of derandomization. Sampling from an expander walk is an example of a randomness-efficient sampler. Note that the number of bits used in sampling k independent samples from f is k\log n, whereas if we sample from an infinite family of constant-degree expanders this costs only \log n+O(k). Such families exist and are efficiently constructible, e.g. the Ramanujan graphs of Lubotzky-Phillips-Sarnak.



    • Ajtai, M.; Komlós, J.; Szemerédi, E. (1987), Deterministic simulation in LOGSPACE, "Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing", ACM: 132–140, doi:10.1145/28395.28410 
    • Gillman, D. (1998), "A Chernoff Bound for Random Walks on Expander Graphs", SIAM Journal on Computing (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) 27 (4,): 1203–1220, doi:10.1137/S0097539794268765 

    External links

    • Proofs of the expander walk sampling theorem.
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