Exact differential equation

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In mathematics, an exact differential equation or total differential equation is a certain kind of ordinary differential equation which is widely used in physics and engineering.


Given a simply connected and open subset D of R2 and two functions I and J which are continuous on D then an implicit first-order ordinary differential equation of the form

I(x,y)\,{\mathrm  {d}}x+J(x,y)\,{\mathrm  {d}}y=0,\,\!

is called exact differential equation if there exists a continuously differentiable function F, called the potential function, so that

{\frac  {\partial F}{\partial x}}(x,y)=I


{\frac  {\partial F}{\partial y}}(x,y)=J.

The nomenclature of "exact differential equation" refers to the exact derivative of a function. For a function F(x_{0},x_{1},...,x_{{n-1}},x_{n}), the exact or total derivative with respect to x_{0} is given by

{\frac  {{\mathrm  {d}}F}{{\mathrm  {d}}x_{0}}}={\frac  {\partial F}{\partial x_{0}}}+\sum _{{i=1}}^{{n}}{\frac  {\partial F}{\partial x_{i}}}{\frac  {{\mathrm  {d}}x_{i}}{{\mathrm  {d}}x_{0}}}.


The function

F(x,y):={\frac  {1}{2}}(x^{2}+y^{2})

is a potential function for the differential equation


Existence of potential functions

In physical applications the functions I and J are usually not only continuous but even continuously differentiable. Schwarz's Theorem then provides us with a necessary criterion for the existence of a potential function. For differential equations defined on simply connected sets the criterion is even sufficient and we get the following theorem:

Given a differential equation of the form (for example, when F has zero slope in the x and y direction at F(x,y) ):

I(x,y)\,{\mathrm  {d}}x+J(x,y)\,{\mathrm  {d}}y=0,\,\!

with I and J continuously differentiable on a simply connected and open subset D of R2 then a potential function F exists if and only if

{\frac  {\partial I}{\partial y}}(x,y)={\frac  {\partial J}{\partial x}}(x,y).

Solutions to exact differential equations

Given an exact differential equation defined on some simply connected and open subset D of R2 with potential function F then a differentiable function f with (x, f(x)) in D is a solution if and only if there exists real number c so that


For an initial value problem


we can locally find a potential function by

F(x,y)=\int _{{x_{0}}}^{x}I(t,y_{0}){\mathrm  {d}}t+\int _{{y_{0}}}^{y}\left[J(x,t)-\int _{{x_{0}}}^{{x}}{\frac  {\partial I}{\partial t}}(u,t)\,{\mathrm  {d}}u\,\right]{\mathrm  {d}}t.



for y, where c is a real number, we can then construct all solutions.

See also


  • Boyce, William E.; DiPrima, Richard C. (1986). Elementary Differential Equations (4th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-07894-8
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