European Optical Society
- Until 1984: Optics in Europe is represented by the European Optical Committee (EOC).
- 1984: The EOC joins the European Physical Society (EPS) to create an Optics Division.
- 1986: The National optical societies of several European countries found the European Federation for Applied Optics – Europtica, which officially registered in Paris in 1987.
- December 1986: A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is signed between EPS (the legal representative of the Optics Division), Europtica, and SPIE, in which the three parties agree to organise jointly one major annual optics meeting in Europe. This MOU initiated the ECO series of meetings, which were managed by the French organisation Europtica Services International Communications. The experience with these conferences demonstrated the need for a lean and efficient organisation of optical activities in Europe.
- March 1990: On the background of this need, the Board of the Optics Division of EPS unanimously votes for starting negotiations with Europtica in order to found the European Optical Society (EOS).
- 24 May 1991: The European Optical Society, or EOS, is founded.
Aims & Mission
Optics as a science, technology, and base for industry, consumer goods, and health care makes a significant contribution to society and has a great potential for further development. The purpose of the society is to contribute to progress in optics and related sciences, and to promote their applications at the European and international levels, by bringing together individuals and legal entities involved in these disciplines and their applications.
The European Optical Society (EOS) serves as the joint forum for all individuals, companies, organisations, educational institutions, and learned and professional societies, who recognise the opportunity and challenge that a common European base provides for the development of optics in its broadest sense. EOS aims at establishing an open coordination of international conferences in Europe and seeks to provide a powerful joint representation through concerted efforts which include:
- promoting optics and related sciences in cooperation with industry and research by:
- establishing a joint information platform
- forming a national, European and international lobby for optics as the enabling technology of the 21st century
- supporting the dissemination of knowledge about the use and value of optics and related sciences to the general public, industry, media, and on the political level
- supporting the progress and application of optics by:
- influencing European R+D policy
- fostering the exchange of students and professionals
- promoting employment in optics throughout Europe
- coordinating optics conferences and publications in Europe
- enhancing the professional standing of individuals working in optics
- promoting European educational standards in optics in education, training, and examination at all levels
- acting as the forum for the European professional and learned societies for the collection and dissemination of information, for the coordination of policies, and for joint ventures
EOS is supported in this by the national optical societies of a great number the European countries.
Main Activities
- Organisation of topical meetings, workshops and conferences, and endorsement of other scientific events
- Operation of a virtual platform for the European optics and photonics community at
- Focus Groups for various application fields
- Publication of JEOS:RP, the electronic Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications at
- Electronic and printed newsletters
- Representation of the optics and photonics community on the European level (Technology Platform Photonics21)
- Awarding of the EOS Prize
The EOS today has more than 6,500 societal, corporate, individual, associate and student members from all over Europe and worldwide.
Membership Modes:
- Individual Membership
- Student Membership
- Individual membership through an EOS Branch
- Associate membership through an EOS Affiliated Society
- Direct Corporate Membership
- Corporate Membership through an EOS Branch or an EOS Affiliated Society
Societal Members: 22 national optical societies are members (10 branches, 12 affiliated societies) of the EOS:
- Belgium : Comité Belge d'Optique - Belgian Optical Committee (CBO-BCO) ; Promoptica)
- Czech Republic and Slovak Republic: Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics (CSSF)
- Denmark: Danish Optical Society (DOPS)
- Finland: Finnish Optical Society (FOS)
- France: Société Françaises d’Optique (SFO)
- Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angewandte Optik (DGaO); Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT)
- Italy: Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica (SIOF)
- Hungary: Hungarian Optical Society (HOS),
- Latvia: Latvian Optical Society (LOS)
- Netherlands: Dutch Physical Society – Optics Section DPS-OS)
- Poland: Polish Physical Society – Optics Division (PPS)
- Romania: Division of Optics & Quantum Electronics of the Romanian Physical Society (DOQE-RPS)
- Russia: Laser Association (LAS); Rozhdestvensky Optical Society (ROS)
- Sweden: Swedish Optical Society (SOS)
- Switzerland: Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM)
- Ukraine: Ukrainian Society of Pure and Applied Optics (USPAO)
- United Kingdom and Ireland: Institute of Physics Optical Group (IOP)
Corporate members: 38 companies are corporate members of the EOS.
Upcoming Conferences and Topical Meetings 2011/2012
- 2nd EOS Topical Meeting on Lasers ('11, 26 September 2011 - 28 September 2011, Capri, Italy
- 4th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (, 26 September 2011 - 28 September 2011, Capri, Italy
- 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic Systems , 7 December 2011 - 9 December 2011, Bremen, Germany
- 8th EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics (, 27 February 2012 - 1 March 2012, Delft, Netherlands
- 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Photonics for Sustainable Development - Focus on the Mediterranean (, 31 March 2012 - 3 April 2012, Tunis, Tunisia
- - 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids, 22 May 2012 - 24 May 2012, Taormina (Sicily), Italy
- 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Advanced Imaging Techniques (, 2 July 2012 - 5 July 2012, Hyères - Southern Alps (Provence), France
- 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Visual and Physiological Optics (, 20 August 2012 - 22 August 2012, Dublin, Ireland
- EOS Annual Meeting 2012 (, 25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012, Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland, UK
JEOS:RP - the online Journal of the EOS
JEOS:RP is the online Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications covering a large scope of research and education in optics and photonics. It is the only journal throughout Europe which focuses on European research and exploration in optics and photonics. JEOS:RP aims for excellence in professional journal publications, and addresses experts of all fields in optics and photonics.