Eugenio Consolini
Eugenio Consolini was son of Adriano Giuseppe Gaetano Consolini, of the marquises of Consolini, and Teresa Tonello. Born in Brazil on May 15, 1913. His father moved to Brazil from Terni, Italy, in 1898, due the persecutions against ecclesiastical nobles after the Italian unification. Eugenio, nephew of Domenico Cardinal Consolini, was inheritor of the title of Marquis of Monte Verde from his father, who received the title from his father Sabatino, inheritor of the title of Marquis of Senigalia from Pietro Consolini, appointed Marquis of Senigaglia in 1842, by Pope Gregory XVI. Eugenio married to Cecilia Bauer. Reffused to fight Italy during World War II. Lived anonymously in the countryside. Because of his refusal to fight Italy, Marquis Eugenio was forbidden to be present at his mother burial on February 4, 1942. Died in São Fidélis, State of Rio de Janeiro, on April 20, 1996 and was buried on April 21, 1996. Further data about Marquis Pietro and his family can be found in "Senigaglia e la sua Diocesi", Fano 1994, by Mons. A. Menucci, as well as in the Academy of Ecclesiastical Nobles - Vatican.Va - about Domenico Cardinal Consolini.
Cardinal Consolini's grandfather - Marquis Tommaso of Senigaglia - was friend of Count Mastai, father of the future Pope Pius IX who appointed the Cardinal to several high positions in the Church's hierarchy. Domenico was created Cardinal during the Consistory of June 22, 1866 and received the Deaconry of S. Maria in Domnica . One of his brothers, Marquis Paolo, was killed during the political events that agitated the entire Italy, on February 17, 1848, in Pozzo Bianco, near his house. Marquis Sabatino, by his turn, moved to countryside, at the outskirts of Terni, currently Cesi di Terni. There he married to Agata Speranza. The couple had children - at least five. Adriano, after his father's death, went to Brazil, where married to Teresa Tonello and where marquis Eugenio was born.
The genealogy of the Marquises of Consolini: Tommaso Consolini - Marquis of Senigaglia, vice consul of France in Senigaglia - Pietro Consolini, son of Tommaso Consolini, appointed Marquis of Senigaglia by Pope Gregory XVI in 1842 - Sabatino Consolini, son of Pietro Consolini, Marquis of Senigaglia - Adriano Giuseppe Gaetano Consolini, Marquis of Senigaglia - Eugenio Consolini, Marquis of Monte Verde.