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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Class: Cestoda
Subclass: Eucestoda

Eucestoda is the larger of the two subclasses of flatworms in the class Cestoda. Its larvae are hexacanth (have six hooks on the head) in contrast to the decacanth (ten-hooked) Cestodaria. All species of the Eucestoda are parasites. Examples are the pork tapeworm (Taenia solium, with human as the final host) or Moniezia expansa (final hosts are mammals like sheep, goats and cattle).

Commonly referred to as the tapeworm they have a flat body. There is an anterior region called scolex. The scolex contains four suckers. The main sucker is leaf-like. Behind the scolex is a third part the strobila. An anterior nerve mass lies in the scolex. They generally long, some reach 40 ft (12 m). They have a complex body. The muscles layer of tapeworms consist of the same circular and longitudinal layers but in addition there is a secondary parenchymal musculature of longitudinal transverse and dorsoventral fibers which encloses the interior parenchyma. Contains reproductive units called proglottids. A complete reproductive system occurs within each proglottid. Cross fertilization occurs with adjacent individuals in the host also self-fertilization between two different proglottid.

External links

Animal Diversity Web. Subclass Eucestoda

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