Ercan Gündoğan
Ercan Gündoğan (Gundogan) is a Turkish associate professor of political science and international relations. He has authored many academic books, articles and contributed to many journals as editor. Professor Gundogan's many previous publications as well as his daily writings are circulated in Ercan Gundogan GAZZETTA and in his own personal web site.
Education and academic career
After graduating Ankara High School, he studied city and regional planning for Bachelor of City Planning, urban policy planning and local governments for his Master of Arts, and political science and public administration for his PhD at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey between 1990 and 2005. He taught at European University of Lefke, Corvinus University of Budapest (as visiting professor twice), Universum University College and the American University Cyprus (GAÜ). He currently teaches at the Cyprus International University in the department of International Relations.
Academic publications
Ercan Gündoğan is the author of many books and scientific peer-reviewed articles published in international venues.
- A Theory of Capitalist Society and Social Dialectics, (2011 December, Lap Lambert), ISBN 978-3-8473-3222-0
- Marxian Theory and Socialism in Turkey, (2009, VDM Verlag), ISBN 3-639-13607-1, ISBN 978-3-639-13607-4
- A Theory of Capitalist Urbanisation: David Harvey, (2009, VDM Verlag), ISBN 3-639-17686-3, ISBN 978-3-639-17686-5
- Stream of Connections through Power, Time, Space and Value, (2011, VDM Verlag), ISBN 3-639-36991-2, ISBN 978-3-639-36991-5
- Stream of Connections through Power, Time, Space and Value, (Second revised and extended edition), (2012 January, Lap Lambert), ISBN 978-3-8465-9769-9
- "Theoretical Considerations on the ‘New’ and ‘Old’ Media”", International Symposium on Social Media, The American University Girne-Cyprus, Faculty of Communication, 25-26 April 2013
- "The Sphere of Political Economy and the Ruling Class", World Review of Political Economy (WRPE), 4.2, 9/17/2013, p: 158-77,
- "Space: Social, Cultural or Natural?", Proceeding, International Symposium on Anthropology of Space and Place, Girne American University, 27 June 2012, available in research gate and Ercan Gundogan Gazzetta
- “A Re-Conceptualization: Internal Contradictions of Capital and the Shifts within Surplus-Value”, World Review of Political Economy (WRPE), 2.2, 2011 December 15, p: 205-18,
- “National and International Change and the Case of Istanbul and Turkey”, KÖZ-GAZDASAG, Tudomanyos Füzetek, A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, VI. EVFOLYAM, 2.SAZM, 2011 Junius, p: 145-59,
- “Political Economy and Geopolitics of the East Mediterrenean and the Middle East” in Ercan Gündoğan (Editor), 2011 May, Proceedings Book of the “International Conference on The East Mediterranean an Cyprus: Economic and Political Relations: Integration and Cooperation from Past to Present”,
- “Art As Regards Science and Religion”, KÖZ-GAZDASAG, Tudomanyos Füzetek, A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem,V. EVFOLYAM, 2.SZAM 2010 Aprilis, p: 103-8,
- “John Rawls' Theory of Justice as Fairness: An Introduction”, SEEU Review, Vol 5, No: 2, 2010, p: 8-32,
- “Postmodern Politics and Marxism”, CEU Political Science Journal, Vol 5, No: 1, 2010,
- “Behind the International Conference: Balkans and Kosovo, Economy and Politics”, Universum Journal, 3. Issue, June 2009
- “Yugoslavia’s Socialist Experience”, Universum Journal, 3.Issue, June 2009
- “On the Current Global Economic Crisis”, Universum Journal 2, 2009, in
- “Crisis of Representative Democracy, New Paradigms, Theory of State and the New World Order”, Universum Journal 2, 2009, in
- “Friedrich A. Hayek: Individual Liberty: Its Enemies and Safeguards”, GAU Journal of Social and Applied Science, Volume 5(9), pp. 1–33, Spring 2009,
- “Turkey and France: A Comparative Study of Politics and Administration”, GAU Journal of Social and Applied Science, Volume 4(8), pp. 1–35, Spring 2009,
- “Conceptions of Hegemony in Antonio Gramsci’s Southern Question and the Prison Notebooks”, New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Vol.2, No. 1 (November 2008) pp. 45–60,
- “J.J. Rousseau and the Theory of the General Will: An Introduction”, ILIRIA International Science Magazine 2, (February, 2008), pp: 167-87
- “Some Observations on Political and Ideological Orientation of the Kosovo Youth 18-24, 2010, A Research Project”, Universum University College, (ISES Universum)
- “Yerel Devlet ve Araçsalcılık” (The Local State and Instrumentalism) Ed: M. Ersoy, T. Şengül, Restructuring Local Governments: UPL Studio Researches Volume 1, Middle East Technical University, 1997, Ankara
- “Osmanlıda Yerel Yönetimin Gelişimi” (Development of the Local Government in the Ottoman Empire) Ed: M. Ersoy, T. Şengül, Restructuring Local Governments: UPL Studio Researches Volume 2, Middle East Technical University, 1997, Ankara
- “Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde Yerel Yönetimin Gelişimi” (Development of the Local Government in the United States of America) Ed: M. Ersoy, T. Şengül, Restructuring Local Governments: UPL Studio Researches Volume 2, Middle East Technical University, 1997, Ankara
Gündoğan is also an editorial contributor to many academic journals:
- Chairperson and editorial board member, Journal of Political Science, Law and International Relations (JPSIR)
- Chairperson and editorial board member, Journal of Public Administration and Research (JPAR)
- Chairperson and editorial board member, International Journal of Political Science, Law and International Relations (IJPSIR)
- Chairperson and editorial board member, International Journal of Public Administration and Research (IJPAR)
- Review-Editorship, for “Report 02/2009: Karakteristikat E Lidershipit Ne Kosove by Belul Bekaj”, Departamenti i Administratës Publike dhe Marrëdhënieve Ndërkombëtare, ISES Universum
- Co-Editor of Universum Journal, 3.Issue, June 2009, Universum Journal, (Universum Institute for Economic and Social Studies),
- Corresponding editor (external reviewer) for The New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry” in December 2009, July 2011, September 2012
- Corresponding editor (external reviewer), for SEEU Review, October 2010,
- Executive editor, Planlama Dergisi, "Bölge Planlama Dosyası", 1997, Ankara
- Executive editor, Planlama Dergisi, "Kentsel Tasarım Dosyası", 1997, Ankara
- Executive editor, İletkent 2. Issue, 1997, Ankara,
Personal life
Ercan Gündoğan is married with sculptress, painter, columnist and city planner Nesrin Sıdal Gündoğan. He knows Russian, Greek, German, Albanian, English and Turkish and plays classical guitar.