Eidgenoessische Konstruktionswerkstaette

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"EKW" (Eidgenoessische Konstruktionswerkstaette English: "Swiss Federal Constructions Works", also known as Eigenössische Flugzeug Werke - EFW, or as Flug + Werk). The Federal construction workshops (ekw) was a composite of Swiss state-owned enterprises, with the aim to make the Swiss defense of imported arms independently. It was established 1867 in Thun.Already around 1915 Switzerland put in an effort to make themselves independent of the import of military aircraft. Long-standing connections to the ETH Zurich ensured the necessary know-how. After the EKW C-3604 the production of aircraft at EKW Thund was set to a end. But EKW was still building Tanks for the swiss Army, own tanks but also licence production of M113 and Leopard 2 tanks. Since 1995 it is part of RUAG Defence.



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