EMSO simulator

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EMSO simulator
Developer(s) the ALSOC Project
Stable release 0.9.60 / Sep 13, 2009
Written in C++
Operating system Linux, Windows
Type process simulation
License ALSOC Open source License
Website http://www.enq.ufrgs.br/trac/alsoc/wiki/EMSO

EMSO simulator is an equation-oriented process simulator with a graph­i­cal interface for modeling com­plex dynamic or steady-state processes. It is CAPE-OPEN compliant. EMSO stands for Environment for Mod­el­ing, Sim­u­la­tion, and Opti­miza­tion.[1] The ALSOC Project - a Portuguese acronym for Free Environment for Simulation, Optimization and Control of Processes -, which is based at the UFRGS, devel­ops, main­tains and dis­trib­utes this object-oriented soft­ware. Pre-built models are available in the EMSO Modeling Library (EML).[2] New models can be written in the EMSO modeling language or a user can embed models coded in C, C++ or Fortran into the simulation environment.

See also


  1. R. P. Soares and A. R. Secchi, EMSO: A new environment for modelling, simulation and optimisation, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 14, (2003), 947-952. DOI: 10.1016/S1570-7946(03)80239-0
  2. http://www.vrtech.com.br/rps/emso.html, EMSO page, Retrieved 7/4/2010

External links

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