Durham Energy Institute
Durham Energy Institute (DEI) is a research institute at Durham University. It was launched in September 2009 to undertake multi-disciplinary cutting-edge research into energy technology and society. The current Executive Director is Dr Wilf Wilde.
The principal aim of the DEI is to tackle the societal aspects of energy use. The Institute draws upon its existing knowledge base, skills and expertise to:
- promote technical scientific excellence
- solve technological and social problems associated with energy provision, demand and use
The DEI has expertise in a number of Energy Technology areas:
Biofuels covers a range of technologies, either where biological material is readily converted to an energy source, or living organisms produce a fuel source.[1] The DEI undertakes research on Microalgae biofuels, Cellulosic Crops and aspects related to intellectual property and the social pressures on biofuel policy.[2][3][4]
The DEI undertakes photovoltaics research (PV) on the fundamental science that underpins both organic and inorganic PV devices right through to their design, manufacturing and deployment.[5] Key areas are: organic PV, inorganic PV, hybrid organic-inorganic structures and the underpinning systems required to successfully deploy PV.[6][7][8]
Energy conversion, transmission and distribution
Includes wind, wave, hydro, microgeneration, smart grids, and grid integration of renewables [9][10][11][12][13][14][15]
Includes the exploitation of fossil fuels and shale gas, carbon capture and storage and geothermal energy.[16] The Centre for Research into Earth Energy Systems (CeREES) is an important contributor to research in this area.[17][18][19][20]
Energy and society
Energy and society research at the DEI is committed to developing pragmatic solutions to contemporary energy issues, including renewable energy, energy distribution, geopolitical security and climate change.[21] The Society and Energy Research Cluster at DEI is fundamentally interdisciplinary, drawing on the expertise of a wide range of social and physical science disciplines across the University. The ambition of the cluster is to develop new theoretical approaches to current energy research challenges based on the conception of energy systems as socio-technical[22][23][24][25]
Economics, Regulation, and Policy
Includes resource management and pricing, technological change and innovation, carbon finance, economics of renewables, environmental impacts, consumer behaviour.[26][27][28] [29][30][31]
Technologies for fusion energy
Pragmatic low-carbon solutions to the UK energy challenges will inevitably include nuclear energy. Fusion energy provides an alternative nuclear route. It is a demanding technology that includes holding a plasma burning at 100 million degrees.[32] However the fuel is derived from seawater (i.e. essentially limitless), the levels of toxic materials are very much less than produced using fission because of the short lifetimes of the materials involved and fusion technology is not a weapons technology. Work at Durham includes the Superconductivity Group,[33] the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation Group,[34] European Reference Laboratory [35][36][37]
Its board of advisors includes Ian Burdon, Benj Sykes DONG Energy, John Loughhead UKERC, Helen Moss IBM and Andrew Mill Narec.
Durham Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy (CDT in Energy)
The Durham CDT in Energy forms an important and integral part of the DEI, offering an interdisciplinary postgraduate research training programme in energy.[38]
See also
- Renewable energy
- Biofuels
- Carbon finance
- Energy and society
- Fracking
- Geothermal power
- Hydro power
- Microgeneration
- Shale Gas
- Smart grid
- ↑ https://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/biofuelsresearch/
- ↑ Wells, V., Greenwell, F., Covey, J., Rosenthal, H., Adcock, M. & Gregory-Smith, D. 2013. An exploratory investigation of barriers and enablers affecting investment in renewable companies and technologies in the UK. Interface Focus
- ↑ Rowbotham, J.S.; Dyer, P.W.; Greenwell, H.C.; Selby, D.A.; Theodorou, M.K., 2012 “Copper(II)–mediated thermolysis of alginates: A model kinetic study on the influence of metal ions in the thermochemical processing of macroalgae”, Royal Society Interface Focus
- ↑ Greenwell, H. C. Laurens, L. M. L., Shields, R. J., Lovitt, R. W., Flynn, K. J. 2010. Placing Microalgae on the Biofuels Priority List - A Review of the Technical Challenges. J. Royal Soc. Interface, 7, 703-726.
- ↑ http://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/photovoltaics/
- ↑ Halliday, DP, Claridge, R, Goodman, MCJ, Mendis, BG, Durose, K & Major, JD. 2013. Luminescence of Cu2ZnSnS4 polycrystals described by the fluctuating potential model. Journal of Applied Physics 113(22): 223503, 223503-1 - 223503-10.
- ↑ Groves, C (2013). Suppression of geminate charge recombination in organic photovoltaic devices with a cascaded energy heterojunction. Energy and Environmental Science 6: 1546-1551.
- ↑ Jankus, Vygintas, Chiang, Chien-Jung, Dias, Fernando & Monkman, Andrew P. 2013. Deep Blue Exciplex Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Enhanced Efficiency; P-type or E-type Triplet Conversion to Singlet Excitons?. Advanced Materials 25(10): 1455-1459.
- ↑ https://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/research/energyconv_trans_distrib/
- ↑ •Chiu, W.-Y., Sun, Hongjian & Poor, H. V. 2013. Energy Imbalance Management Using a Robust Pricing Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 4(2): 896-904.
- ↑ Tavner, P J 2012. Offshore Wind Turbines- Reliability, Availability & Maintenance. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- ↑ Dent, C. J., Bialek, J. W. & Hobbs, B. F. 2011. Opportunity Cost Bidding by Wind Generators in Forward Markets: Analytical Results. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26(3): 1600-1608.
- ↑ Dent, C. J., Ochoa, L. F., Harrison, G. P. & Bialek, J. W. 2010. Efficient Secure AC OPF for Network Generation Capacity Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25(1): 575-583.
- ↑ Blake, S. & Taylor, P. 2010. Aspects of Risk Assessment in Distribution System Asset Management: Case Studies. In Handbook of Power Systems. Rebennack, S., Pardalos, P., Pereira, M. & Iliadis, N. Berlin, Germany: Springer. 931-962.
- ↑ Yang, W., Tavner, P. J., Crabtree, C. J. & Wilkinson, M. 2010. Cost-effective condition monitoring for wind turbines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57(1): 263-271.
- ↑ https://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/research/geoenergy/
- ↑ Davies R.J. 2011. Methane contamination of drinking water caused by hydraulic fracturing remains unproven (Discussion). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(43): E871.
- ↑ Kudryavtsev, V.A., Spooner, N.C., Gluyas, J.G., Fung, C., & Coleman, M.L. 2012. Monitoring subsurface CO2 emplacement and security of storage using muon tomography. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 11: 21-24.
- ↑ Watson, FE , Mathias, SA , van Hunen, J, Daniels, SE & Jones, RR. 2012. Dissolution of CO2 from leaking fractures in saline formations. Transport in Porous Media 94: 729-745.
- ↑ Davies, R.J., Manga M, Tingay, M., Lusianga, S. & Swarbrick, R., 20102010. The LUSI mud volcano controversy: Was it caused by drilling?’ Discussion of Sawalo et al. 2009. Marine and Petroleum Geology.
- ↑ https://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/research/societyandenergy/
- ↑ Bulkeley, H. & Castán Broto, V. 2013. Government by experiment? Global cities and the governing of climate change. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 38(3): 361-375.
- ↑ Knight, D. & Bell, S. 2013. Pandora's Box: photovoltaic energy and economic crisis in Greece. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5(3): 033110.
- ↑ Adams, A., Taylor, P. & Bell, S. 2012. Equity Dimensions of Micro-generation: A whole systems approach. Journal of Renewable Sustainable Energy 4(5).
- ↑ Bulkeley, H. and Newell, P. (2010) Governing Climate Change, Routledge, London.
- ↑ https://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/research/business_ecs_and_law/
- ↑ Meier, H., Jamasb, T. & Orea, L. (2013). Necessity or Luxury Good? Household Energy Spending and Income in Britain 1991-2007. The Energy Journal Forthcoming.
- ↑ Sen, A. & Jamasb, T. (2012). Diversity in Unity: An Empirical Analysis of Electricity Deregulation in Indian States. The Energy Journal 33(1): 83-130.
- ↑ Adcock, M D. 2007. Intellectual property, GM crops and Bioethics. Biotechnology 2: 1088-1092.
- ↑ Whynes, D., Frew, E.J., Philips, Z.N., Covey, J. & Smith, R.D. 2007. On the numerical forms of contingent valuation responses. Journal of Economic Psychology 28: 462-476.
- ↑ Bischi, G. I., Sbragia, L. & Szidarovszky, F. 2008. Learning the Demand Function in a Repeated Cournot Oligopoly Game. International Journal of Systems Science 39(4): 403-419.
- ↑ http://www.fusion.org.uk/introduction.aspx
- ↑ http://www.dur.ac.uk/superconductivity.durham/research.html
- ↑ https://www.dur.ac.uk/cfai/
- ↑ P. Sunwong, J. S. Higgins, Y. Tsui, M. J. Raine and D. P. Hampshire. 2013. The critical current density of grain boundary channels in polycrystalline HTS and LTS superconductors in magnetic fields - SUST 26 095006
- ↑ G. J. Carty and D. P. Hampshire. 2013. The critical current density of an SNS Josephson-junction in high magnetic fields - SuST 26 065007
- ↑ Larbalestier, DC, Osamura, K & Hampshire, DP 2008. MEM07: The 5th annual workshop on mechanical and electromagnetic properties of composite superconductors (princeton, NJ, USA, 21–24 August 2007). Superconductor Science & Technology 21(5): 2.
- ↑ http://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/cdt/
External links
- http://www.dur.ac.uk/
- http://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/
- http://www.dur.ac.uk/dei/cdt/
- http://www.dur.ac.uk/earth.sciences/research/cerees/