Displacement operator

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The displacement operator for one mode in quantum optics is the operator

{\hat  {D}}(\alpha )=\exp \left(\alpha {\hat  {a}}^{\dagger }-\alpha ^{\ast }{\hat  {a}}\right),

where α is the amount of displacement in optical phase space, α* is the complex conjugate of that displacement, and â and â are the lowering and raising operators, respectively. The name of this operator is derived from its ability to displace a localized state in phase space by a magnitude α. It may also act on the vacuum state by displacing it into a coherent state. Specifically, {\hat  {D}}(\alpha )|0\rangle =|\alpha \rangle where |\alpha \rangle is a coherent state. Displaced states are eigenfunctions of the annihilation (lowering) operator.


The displacement operator is a unitary operator, and therefore obeys {\hat  {D}}(\alpha ){\hat  {D}}^{\dagger }(\alpha )={\hat  {D}}^{\dagger }(\alpha ){\hat  {D}}(\alpha )=I, where I is the identity matrix. Since {\hat  {D}}^{\dagger }(\alpha )={\hat  {D}}(-\alpha ), the hermitian conjugate of the displacement operator can also be interpreted as a displacement of opposite magnitude (-\alpha ). The effect of applying this operator in a similarity transformation of the ladder operators results in their displacement.

{\hat  {D}}^{\dagger }(\alpha ){\hat  {a}}{\hat  {D}}(\alpha )={\hat  {a}}+\alpha
{\hat  {D}}(\alpha ){\hat  {a}}{\hat  {D}}^{\dagger }(\alpha )={\hat  {a}}-\alpha

The product of two displacement operators is another displacement operator, apart from a phase factor, has the total displacement as the sum of the two individual displacements. This can be seen by utilizing the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula.

e^{{\alpha {\hat  {a}}^{{\dagger }}-\alpha ^{*}{\hat  {a}}}}e^{{\beta {\hat  {a}}^{{\dagger }}-\beta ^{*}{\hat  {a}}}}=e^{{(\alpha +\beta ){\hat  {a}}^{{\dagger }}-(\beta ^{*}+\alpha ^{*}){\hat  {a}}}}e^{{(\alpha \beta ^{*}-\alpha ^{*}\beta )/2}}.

which shows us that:

{\hat  {D}}(\alpha ){\hat  {D}}(\beta )=e^{{(\alpha \beta ^{*}-\alpha ^{*}\beta )/2}}{\hat  {D}}(\alpha +\beta )

When acting on an eigenket, the phase factor e^{{(\alpha \beta ^{*}-\alpha ^{*}\beta )/2}} appears in each term of the resulting state, which makes it physically irrelevant.[1]

Alternative expressions

Two alternative ways to express the displacement operator are:

{\hat  {D}}(\alpha )=e^{{-{\frac  {1}{2}}|\alpha |^{2}}}e^{{+\alpha {\hat  {a}}^{{\dagger }}}}e^{{-\alpha ^{{*}}{\hat  {a}}}}
{\hat  {D}}(\alpha )=e^{{+{\frac  {1}{2}}|\alpha |^{2}}}e^{{-\alpha ^{{*}}{\hat  {a}}}}e^{{+\alpha {\hat  {a}}^{{\dagger }}}}

Multimode displacement

The displacement operator can also be generalized to multimode displacement. A multimode creation operator can be defined as

{\hat  A}_{{\psi }}^{{\dagger }}=\int d{\mathbf  {k}}\psi ({\mathbf  {k}}){\hat  a}({\mathbf  {k}})^{{\dagger }},

where {\mathbf  {k}} is the wave vector and its magnitude is related to the frequency \omega _{{{\mathbf  {k}}}} according to |{\mathbf  {k}}|=\omega _{{{\mathbf  {k}}}}/c. Using this definition, we can write the multimode displacement operator as

{\hat  {D}}_{{\psi }}(\alpha )=\exp \left(\alpha {\hat  A}_{{\psi }}^{{\dagger }}-\alpha ^{\ast }{\hat  A}_{{\psi }}\right),

and define the multimode coherent state as

|\alpha _{{\psi }}\rangle \equiv {\hat  {D}}_{{\psi }}(\alpha )|0\rangle .


  1. Gerry, Christopher, and Peter Knight: Introductory Quantum Optics. Cambridge (England): Cambridge UP, 2005.


See also

  • Optical Phase Space
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