Dhok Mughal Pathaan
Dhok Mughal Pathaan is a village in the Jhelum District of Punjab, Pakistan.
The population of this village is approximately 50 people. Despite its extremely small community, the village is self-sufficient in all basic resources, including electricity, telephone and water. Gas hasn't been provided to the village, even though many strong promises were made by the previous and current political figures.[citation needed]
The history of this village dates back to around 300 years ago, when two brothers from Afghanistan migrated to Punjab. The name of the village reflects the background of the 2 brothers, who were of Pathaan origin and settled in an area of Mughal majority. According to village elders, the village is in its 7th generation.
Occupation of locals
The majority of the people from this village are either abroad (UK, U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Australia, America, New Zealand), are serving in the Pakistani army or are involved in farming.
The most influential figure of the village is General Mohammad Akram (Retired), who has served in key positions in the army, including core commander of Karachi and Lahore, and was QMJ at the time of his retirement.