Dezső Németh

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Dezső Németh
Born (1975-09-01) September 1, 1975
Szeged, Hungary
Nationality Hungary Hungarian
Fields Implicit learning; Psycholinguistics
Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, autism and experimental neuropsychological testing
Institutions Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Georgetown University (Washington DC)
University of Szeged Institut of Psychology University of Texas, Austin
Notable awards Master Teacher Gold Medal (2009)

Dezső Németh (1 September 1975, Szeged) Hungarian psychologist, associate professor with habilitation, at Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest.

Fields of education: Experimental psychology, neuropsychology, psycholinguistics.

Fields of research: Implicit learning; psycholinguistics; experimental and neuropsychological study of the relationship between memory systems and language processing; the role of sub-cortical brain structures in cognition; the cognitive neuropsychology of Huntington's disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Spinocerebellar Ataxia and Wilson’s disease.


Dezső Németh graduated from the Endre Ságvári High School, in 1994, Szeged. He learned psychology at the Eötvös Loránd University, 19941999. He graduated in 1999. He spent several months in 2007 and 2008 as a visiting professor at the Department of Neuroscience of Georgetown University (Washington DC). He works at the University of Szeged, Hungary.

Németh obtained his PhD at ELTE, Budapest, 2005.

Scientific communications in excess of 50, impact factor: 66; H-Index: 8; (2013th September)[1]

Selected Studies

Department of Arts, entrance

In Hungarian

  • Racsmány Mihály, Lukács Ágnes, NÉMETH Dezső, Pléh Csaba (2005). A verbális munkamemória magyar nyelvű vizsgálóeljárásai. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle=Hungarian Psychologycal Review, 60:4. 479-505. p.
  • A lélektan 80 éve a szegedi egyetemen (1929–2009) = 80 years' history of psychology in the University of Szeged.[2] Authors: Márta Pataki, Kamilla Polyák, Dezső NÉMETH, Ágnes Szokolszky. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle= Hungarian Psychologycal Review, vol. 64. No. 4. December 2009. 671-676. p.

In English (2013)

  • P 138. Right cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the prefrontal cortex improves implicit learning in healthy individuals C Saiote, D Nemeth, K Janacsek, Z Turi, G Ambrus, W Paulus, A Antal Clinical Neurophysiology 124 (10), e130-e130
  • Impaired language production in asymptomatic carotid stenosis D Nemeth, T Sefcsik, K Németh, Z Turi, CD Dye, P Csibri, K Janacsek, E Vörös ... Journal of Neurolinguistics 26 (4), 462-469
  • Sleep disorder in childhood impairs declarative but not nondeclarative forms of learning E Csábi, P Benedek, K Janacsek, G Katona, D Nemeth Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 1-9
  • Boosting human learning by hypnosis D Nemeth, K Janacsek, B Polner, ZA Kovacs Cerebral Cortex 23 (4), 801-805 2
  • Implicit sequence learning and working memory: Correlated or complicated? K Janacsek, D Nemeth Cortex
  • Social Communication Impairs Working-Memory Performance D Nemeth, AB Turcsik, G Farkas, K Janacsek Applied Neuropsychology, 1-4

Scientific positions

Georgetown University, entrance
Mérei Ferenc Award (2007)
Master Teacher Gold Medal (front page, 2011)

Membership in societies

  • Hungarian Psychological Association[4]
  • European Society for Cognitive Psychology
  • Hungarian Psychiatric Association[5]
  • Cognitive Neuroscience Society
  • International Neuropsychological Society


  • Mérei Ferenc Award (2005)[6]
  • MTA Bolyai Research Fellowship (2007)
  • Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship (2007)
  • Certificate of Appreciation (Pro Scientia, teacher) (2009)
  • Master Teacher Gold Medal (2011)

See also


  1. Homepage of National Council of Doctors, Németh Dezső
  2. 80 years' history of psychology in the University of Szeged, 1929-2009.
  3. Periodical review. In Hungarian is: Szegedi Pszichológiai Tanulmányok.
  4. Magyar Pszichológiai Társaság is in Hungarian.
  5. Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság is in Hungarian.
  6. Adward is from Hungarian Psychological Association for his publications
  • A lélektan 80 éves története a szegedi egyetemen. = The Institute of Psychology at the University of Szeged is 80 years old (1929–2009) / ed. by Ágnes Szokolszky; authors Szokolszky Ágnes, Pataki Márta, Polyák Kamilla et al. Szeged, JATEPress, 2009. 302 p. Dezső Németh see 243-245. p. ISBN 978-963-482-959-1
  • From Hungarian wikipédia

External links

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