Deviation risk measure

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In financial mathematics, a deviation risk measure is a function to quantify financial risk (and not necessarily downside risk) in a different method than a general risk measure. Deviation risk measures generalize the concept of standard deviation.

Mathematical definition

A function D:{\mathcal  {L}}^{2}\to [0,+\infty ], where {\mathcal  {L}}^{2} is the L2 space of random portfolio returns, is a deviation risk measure if

  1. Shift-invariant: D(X+r)=D(X) for any r\in {\mathbb  {R}}
  2. Normalization: D(0)=0
  3. Positively homogeneous: D(\lambda X)=\lambda D(X) for any X\in {\mathcal  {L}}^{2} and \lambda >0
  4. Sublinearity: D(X+Y)\leq D(X)+D(Y) for any X,Y\in {\mathcal  {L}}^{2}
  5. Positivity: D(X)>0 for all nonconstant X, and D(X)=0 for any constant X.[1][2]

Relation to risk measure

There is a one-to-one relationship between a deviation risk measure D and an expectation-bounded risk measure R where for any X\in {\mathcal  {L}}^{2}

  • D(X)=R(X-{\mathbb  {E}}[X])
  • R(X)=D(X)-{\mathbb  {E}}[X].

R is expectation bounded if R(X)>{\mathbb  {E}}[-X] for any nonconstant X and R(X)={\mathbb  {E}}[-X] for any constant X.

If D(X)<{\mathbb  {E}}[X]-\operatorname {ess\inf }X for every X (where \operatorname {ess\inf } is the essential infimum), then there is a relationship between D and a coherent risk measure.[1]


The standard deviation is clearly a deviation risk measure.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Rockafellar, Tyrrell; Uryasev, Stanislav; Zabarankin, Michael (2002). Deviation Measures in Risk Analysis and Optimization. Retrieved January 15, 2012. 
  2. Cheng, Siwei; Liu, Yanhui; Wang, Shouyang (2004). "Progress in Risk Measurement". Advanced Modelling and Optimization 6 (1). 
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