David Sale

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David Sale is an Australian-based author and television screenwriter. He has contributed to many TV drama series, provided special material for Australia's leading entertainers, and has worked as producer, director, actor and journalist.


He is perhaps best known as creator, writer and script editor of the highly influential television soap opera Number 96. Before that, he was Executive Producer of the satirical weekly comedy The Mavis Bramston Show. Both of these series were highly popular in their day and still rank amongst the most famous and influential programs to have appeared on Australian television.


His first two novels, written between TV assignments, were Come to Mother and The Love Bite. These were published in London in hardback in the 1970s and both were bought by Hollywood. Come to Mother was made into the television film Live Again, Die Again (1974).

Television interrupted this flow of books, but in the 1990s Sale resumed his career as an author with Twisted Echoes (1993) (HODDER HEADLINE); Scorpion's Kiss (1995) (PAN MACMILLAN) and Hidden Agenda (1996) (PAN MACMILLAN).


He later tackled Musical Theatre for the first time with his co-written (book and lyrics) version of Sumner Locke Elliott's novel Careful, He Might Hear You.


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