Darul Uloom Zakariyya

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Darul Uloom Zakariyya
Established 1983
Type Islamic University
Principal Sheikh Maulana Shabbir Saloojee
Undergraduates 700
Postgraduates 619 Ulama, 137 Qira'aat Sab’ah and 42 Qira'aat Asharah graduates (mid-2011)
Location Lenasia, South Africa
Website duzak.org

Deobandi Movement

Key figures

Qasim Nanotvi · Rashid Gangohi
Husain Madani · Mehmud Hasan
Shabbir Usmani · Ashraf Ali Thanwi
Anwar Kashmiri · Ilyas Kandhlawi
Ubaidullah Sindhi · Taqi Usmani

Notable Institutions

Darul Uloom Deoband, India
Mazahirul Uloom Saharanpur, India
Hathazari Madrassah, Bangladesh
Darul-uloom Nadwatul Ulama, India
Darul Uloom Karachi, Pakistan
Jamia Uloom ul Islamia, Pakistan
Jamiah Darul Uloom Zahedan, Iran
Darul Uloom London, England
Darul Uloom New York, United States
Darul Uloom Canada, Canada
Madrasah In'aamiyyah, South Africa
Darul Uloom Zakariyya, South Africa


Tablighi Jamaat
Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind
Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam

Darul Uloom Zakariyya (formerly Madrasah Zakariyya) is an Islamic university in Lenasia, South Africa with an international student population. Opened in 1983 in an agricultural area, it is now surrounded by the suburb of Zakariyya Park, which is named in its honor. Since its inception, the Darul Uloom Zakariyya has expanded, to now include a branch in Eikenhof – opened n 2000 – and a Maktab in Mandane – Soweto. The institute has gained widespread reputation due to the exemplary altruistic and spiritual philanthropy exercised by its alumni.

Logo of Darul Uloom Zakariyya
The buildings on the left are the 'alim classes. Most of them are upstairs. Most of the downstairs in taken up by the bookshop, informal library, toilets and storage area.

The Darul Uloom Zakariyya has five faculties of Study:

  • Hifdhul-Qur'an – The Memorization of the Qur'an al-Kareem
  • Aalimiyah – Study of Islamic Jurisprudence and Sciences (Maulana / Islamic Scholar)
  • Tajweed and Qira’aat – Science of Qur'anic Phonetics and Renditions (Sabah and Asharah)
  • Ifta course – Specialisation in the Science of Islamic Jurisprudence and Research (Mufti)
  • Arabic Adab – Specialisation in Arabic Literature

External links

  • Duzak.org – Official website
  • Youtube.com – YouTube video showing a Hafiz graduation gathering
  • duzNJ.com - Darul Uloom Zakariyya, Weekend Islamic School, Piscataway New Jersey
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