Daisy Does America
Daisy Does America is a hybrid reality/comedy series that premiered on TBS on 6 December 2005. The show, similar to British actress and comedian Daisy Donovan's previous outing for British television Daisy, Daisy, was adapted for US audiences by actors Courteney Cox Arquette and David Arquette for their Coquette Productions and distributed by Warner Brothers Television.
In this unscripted program, Donovan attempts to follow the "American Dream" by blending in with ordinary people while at the same time poking fun at the individuals she is working with.
Daisy Does America aired on LIVING2 in the UK, TV2 in New Zealand and UKTV in Australia
Episode guide
- Episode 1 - "Bounty Hunter"
- Episode 2 - "Country & Western Singer"
- Episode 3 - "Rap Star"
- Episode 4 - "Pagent Contestant"
- Episode 5 - "Dog Show Handler"
- Episode 6 - "Wedding Planner"
- Episode 7 - "Poker Pro"
- Episode 8 - "Psychic"
Similar in concept to Da Ali G Show, Daisy features a confused Brit who asks irreverent questions of unsuspecting Americans.
External links