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Cycnoches haagii
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Cymbidieae
Subtribe: Catasetinae
Genus: Cycnoches
Type species
Cycnoches loddigesii

Cycnoches, abbreviated as Cyc. in the horticultural trade,[1] is a genus of about 16 species of orchids native to tropical America.

List of species

  • Cycnoches amparoanum Schltr. (1923)
  • Cycnoches aureum Lindl. & Paxton (1852)
  • Cycnoches barthiorum G.F.Carr & Christenson (1999)
  • Cycnoches bennettii Dodson Icon. Pl. Trop. (1989)
  • Cycnoches brachydactylon Schltr. (1924)
  • Cycnoches carrii Christenson (1999)
  • Cycnoches chlorochilon Klotzsch (1838)
  • Cycnoches christensonii D.E.Benn. (1998)
  • Cycnoches cooperi Rolfe (1913)
    • Cycnoches cooperi subsp. ayacuchoensis D.E.Benn. & Christenson (1998)
    • Cycnoches cooperi subsp. cooperi.
    • Cycnoches cooperi var. villenae G.F.Carr & A.Prieto (2002)
  • Cycnoches densiflorum Rolfe (1909)
  • Cycnoches dianae Rchb.f. (1852)
  • Cycnoches egertonianum Bateman (1842)
  • Cycnoches farnsworthianum D.E.Benn. & Christenson (2001)
  • Cycnoches glanduliferum Rolfe (1892)
  • Cycnoches guttulatum Schltr. (1922)
  • Cycnoches haagii Barb.Rodr. (1881)
  • Cycnoches herrenhusanum Jenny & G.A.Romero (1991)
  • Cycnoches jarae Dodson & D.E.Benn. (1989)
  • Cycnoches lehmannii Rchb.f. (1878)
  • Cycnoches loddigesii Lindl. (1832) - Typus Species -
  • Cycnoches lusiae G.A.Romero & Garay (1999)
  • Cycnoches maculatum Lindl. (1840)
  • Cycnoches manoelae P.Castro & Campacci (1993)
  • Cycnoches pachydactylon Schltr. (1922)
  • Cycnoches pentadactylon Lindl. (1843)
  • Cycnoches peruvianum Rolfe (1891)
  • Cycnoches powellii Schltr. (1922)
  • Cycnoches quatuorcristis D.E.Benn. (1992)
  • Cycnoches rossianum Rolfe (1891)
  • Cycnoches schmidtianum Christenson & G.F.Carr (2001)
  • Cycnoches stelliferum Lodd. (1844)
  • Cycnoches stenodactylon Schltr. (1922)
  • Cycnoches suarezii Dodson Icon. (1989)
  • Cycnoches thurstoniorum Dodson (1989)
  • Cycnoches ventricosum Bateman (1838)
  • Cycnoches warszewiczii Rchb.f. (1852)


External links

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