Cumberland House, Saskatchewan

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Map of the Red River Colony showing Cumberland House (double click to enlarge)

Cumberland House is a community in Census Division No. 18 in north-eastern Saskatchewan, Canada on the Saskatchewan River.[1] It is the oldest community in Saskatchewan and has a population of about 2000 people. Cumberland House Provincial Park, which provides tours of an 1890s powder house built by the Hudson's Bay Company, is located nearby.

The community consists of the northern village of Cumberland House with a population of 772 [2]and the adjoining Cumberland House Cree Nation with a population of 715. [2] The community is served by the Cumberland House Airport and by Saskatchewan Highway 123.

Cumberland House Cree Nation

The population of Cumberland House consists of mostly First Nations people, including Cree and Métis. Cumberland House was and is a Cree "n" dialect community, known in Cree as "Waskahikanihk".

On March 2013 Cumberland House Cree Nation had a registered population of 1387 with 814 members living on-reserve or crown land and 573 members living off-reserve. [3] The First Nation has territory at 5 locations and is governed by a Chief and four councillors. [3] It is a member of the Prince Albert Grand Council. [3]

History of the community

Fur Trade Depot

Location of Cumberland House in Saskatchewan

From its foundation in 1774 Cumberland House was one of the most important fur trade depots in Canada. To the east the Saskatchewan River led to Lake Winnipeg and on to the French at Montreal or the English on Hudson Bay. To the west the river led to the Rocky Mountains and a pass to the Oregon Country. To the north the Sturgeon-Weir River led to the Churchill River which led to the Methye Portage and the rich Athabasca Country to the northwest. See Canadian canoe routes (early). Cumberland House was used as a depot for east-bound furs and west-bound trade goods. It was also a depot for pemmican used to feed the voyageurs on their long journey to Lake Athabasca. Since it was in the forest belt pemmican was brought downriver from the prairies or upriver from Lake Winnipeg. It was about 40 days paddling time from the Hudson's Bay Company base at York Factory but nearly five month's journey from their competitor's base at Montreal.

It was located on a strip of land between the Saskatchewan to the south and Cumberland Lake to the north. The lake drained into the river a mile or so to the west. Today the strip is wider because of changes in the lake level.

As in much of Canada, the first European visitors were probably Coureurs des bois who left no records. The first European kown to have passed the site was Louis-Joseph Gaultier de La Vérendrye in the spring of 1749. Samuel Hearne established the post in 1774. It is sometimes said that this was the first HBC inland post. Strictly this was Henley House in 1743, but this was an isolated event. Cumberland House was the first post established when the inland policy was adopted. Hearn took the Grass River (Manitoba) route from York Factory which led him to Cumberland Lake. A month after Hearne finished building, Thomas and Joseph Frobisher arrived on their way to intercept HBC furs at Frog Portage. Next year Mathew Cocking was in charge and the two Frobishers reappeared along with Alexander Henry the elder. From 1778 to 1804 it was the administrative center of the western posts. In 1793 the Northwest Company built a competing post nearby. About the same time the HBC fort was moved to a new site across from the NWC post. In 1821 the two forts were merged. At that time there were 30 men at the post and about the same number of women and children. The post declined after about 1830 but revived somewhat with the introduction of steamboats on the river in 1874. By 1980 the powder magazine and the house of the HBC manager were still there.


On June 24, 2005, Cumberland House residents were evacuated to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, and housed in a shelter set up by the Red Cross on the SIAST campus there, due to impending flooding from the Saskatchewan River. The influx of water was from record breaking rainfall in Alberta where the North and South Saskatchewan Rivers collected the runoff from that rainfall.


Cumberland House is the northern terminus of Saskatchewan Highway 123. The first bridge connecting Pine Island, where the community is located, across the Saskatchewan River to the mainland was built in 1996, replacing a ferry during the summer months and ice crossings in the winter.

See also


  • Elizabeth Browne Losey,"Let Them Be Remembered: The Story of the Fur Trade Forts",1999

External links

Coordinates: 53°56′29″N 102°18′45″W / 53.94139°N 102.31250°W / 53.94139; -102.31250

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