Cubic chess

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Cubic Chess

A Cubic Chess game in progress
Designer(s) Vladimír Pribylinec
Years active Current rules since 2008
Genre(s) Board game
Chess variant
Players 2
Setup time ~1 minute
Playing time Casual games usually last 10 to 60 minutes
Random chance None
Skill(s) required Strategy, tactics
Synonym(s) Echos

Cubic Chess is a chess variant invented by Vladimír Pribylinec beginning with an early version (named Echos) in 1977.[1][2][3] The game substitutes cubes for the chess pieces, where the six faces of each cube display a different chess piece (pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, and king). This provides an efficient means (rotating the cube on a square) to change a piece's type. This year was starting a manufacturing of the game in Slovakia.

The game begins like standard chess, with a normal 8×8 chessboard, and cubes rotated so that uppermost faces reflect the standard chess starting position.

Game rules

Cubic Chess follows the normal rules of chess (including castling, check, checkmate, etc.), but with the following special differences:

  • Non-pawn pieces that become captured, are retained by the capturer—unrotated—in an off-board "stock".
  • For his turn, a player may either:
    • make a normal chess move using one of the pieces already on the board; or
    • rotate any pawn on its square to any piece type contained in the player's "stock". (Rotating the pawn effectively promotes it on its square, and the corresponding piece in the stock is immediately removed from the game.)

The Cubic Chess pawn does not promote when reaching the last rank.

Sample game

Note on notation: When a pawn is rotated to display a new piece type, the new piece is written in parentheses, for example: 6...h7(B).

1.d4 b5 2.e4 b4 3. e5 d6 4.f4 e6 5.Be2 Bb7 6.Bf3 Bxf3 7.Qxf3 c6 8.Ne2 c6(B) 9.Qg3 dxe5 10.fxe5 Qd5 11.0-0 Qxg2+ 12.Qxg2 Bxg2 13.Kxg2 h7(Q) 14.Bf4 Qe4+ 15.Kf2 Rh3 16.Nd2 Qxc2 17.e5(Q) Nd7 18.Qa5 e5 19.dxe5 g5 20.e6 Qc5+ 21.Qxc5 Bxc5+ 22.Kg2 fxe6 23.Bxg5 Rh5 24.Nf3 a7(Q) 25.Ng3 Qxa2 26.Rab1 Rh7 27.Bh4 Ngf6 28.Rfe1 Bf2 29.Kxf2 Rxh4 30.Nxh4 Ng4+ 31.Kg2 b4(B) 32.Rxe6+ Qxe6 33.Nhf5 Qd5+ 34.Kh3 Nf2+ 35.Kh4 Ne5 36.b2(Q) Be7+ 37.Nxe7 Nf3# 1–0

See also


  1. Pritchard, D. B. (1994). "Cubic Chess (II)". The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. Games & Puzzles Publications. p. 78. ISBN 0-9524142-0-1. 
  2. Pritchard, D. B. (2007). "Cubic Chess [Pribylinec]". The Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants. John Beasley. pp. 162–63. ISBN 978-0-9555168-0-1. 
  3. Beasley, John (May 2005). "Cubic Developments". Variant Chess (British Chess Variants Society) 7 (Issue 48): p. 59. ISSN 0958-8248. 

External links

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