Conway group Co3

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In mathematics, the Conway group Co3 is a sporadic group of order

210 · 37 · 53 · 7 · 11 · 23 (= 495,766,656,000)

discovered by (Conway 1968, 1969) as the group of automorphisms of the Leech lattice Λ fixing a lattice vector of length √ 6.


Co3 acts on the unique 23-dimensional even lattice of determinant 4 with no roots, given by the orthogonal complement of a norm 4 vector of the Leech lattice. This gives 23-dimensional representations over any field; over fields of characteristic 2 or 3 this can be reduced to a 22-dimensional faithful representation.

Co3 has a doubly transitive permutation representation on 276 points.

Feit (1974) showed that if a finite group has an absolutely irreducible faithful rational representation of dimension 23 and has no subgroups of index 23 or 24 then it is contained in either Z/2Z × Co2 or Z/2Z × Co3.

Maximal subgroups of Co3

Finkelstein (1973) showed that there are 14 conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups, as follows.

  • McL:2 – can transpose type 2 points of conserved 2-2-3 triangle. Co3 has a doubly transitive permutation representation on 276 type 2-2-3 triangles containing a fixed type 3 point.
  • HS – fixes 2-3-3 triangle.
  • U4(3).22
  • M23
  • 35:(2 × M11)
  • 2.Sp6(2) – centralizer of involution class 2A, which moves 240 of the 276 type 2-2-3 triangles
  • U3(5):S3
  • 31+4:4S6
  • 24.A8
  • PSL(3,4):(2 × S3)
  • 2 × M12 – centralizer of involution class 2B, which moves 264 of the 276 type 2-2-3 triangles
  • [210.33]
  • S3 × PSL(2,8):3
  • A4 × S5


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