Clavulina (foram)

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Temporal range: Paleocene - Holocene
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Rhizaria
Superphylum: Retaria
Phylum: Foraminifera
Order: Textulariida
Superfamily: Textulariacea
Family: Valvulinidae
Genus: Clavulina
d'Orbigny, 1826

Clavulina is an aggulinated benthic foraminiferan with an elongate test. The early stage is triserial and triangular in section, the later stage uniserial and rectilinear, with angular to rounded section. In some species agglutinated walls have considerable calcareous cement. Septa are secondarily doubled as a result of imperforate floors, which are added as new chambers are formed. Walls contain fine bifurcating canaliculi within, openings of which are sealed inter­nally by an inner organic lining, and externally by the imperforate surface layer of the wall. The aperture is interiomarginal in the early triserial stage, terminal and rounded in the adult.

The genus Clavulina was named by d'Orbigny, 1826. It is included in the textulariid family, Valvulinidae and is cosmopolitan in discribution, with a range extending from the Paleo­cene to now.


  • Joseph A. Cushman, 1950. Foraminifera, their classification and economic use. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 4th edition, 1950
  • Alfred R. Loeblich, jr. and Helen Tappan, 1964. Sarcodina, chiefly "Thecamoebians" and Foraminiferida. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part C, Protista 2. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press, 1964.
  • Valvulinidae in Loeblich and Tappan, 1988, Foraminiferal genera and their classification.
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