Claus Dierksmeier
Claus Dierksmeier (born May 17, 1971 in Pforzheim) is a German philosopher. Since 2002 he was a professor at the Stonehill College in Boston. In April 2012 he assumed the position of Director of the Global Ethic Institute at the University of Tübingen, Germany. [1] [1]
Academic career
After his dissertation at the University of Hamburg in 1997, Dierksmeier received a post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) at the University of Jena in 2002, and in the same year accepted a professorship at Stonehill College in Boston. He was Research Director of the Sustainable Management and Measurement Institute (SUMMIT) and was appointed „Distinguished Professor for Globalization Ethics“. In April 2012 he assumed the position of Director of the Global Ethic Institute at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. at Stonehill College as well as Managing Director on the board of the international think-tank The Humanistic Management Network.[2]
Fields of Research
Dierksmeier has done research in Europe, the US, and Latin America (Uruguay, Argentina). His work focuses on the idea of freedom, political and economic philosophy, business ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and globalization ethics. Claus Dierksmeier also works as a strategy consultant for politics and CSR and has served inter alia the Strategy Institute of the Boston Consulting Group. His current research is on a theory of "qualitative freedom", which aims at a contemporary reconstruction of political liberalism.
Membership in Scientific Societies and Boards
- Advisory Council of the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations
- Managing Board of The Humanistic Management Network
- Review Board of Journal for Intergenerational Justice
- Globalization Fellow at the Martin Institute for Law and Society
- Advisory Council of Centro de Ciencia, Educación y Sociedad (CECIES)
- Co-Director of Sustainable Management and Measurement Institute (SUMMIT)
- Der absolute Grund des Rechts. Karl Christian Friedrich Krause in Auseinandersetzung mit Fichte und Schelling. (The absolute foundation of law. Karl Christian Friedrich Krause in altercation with Fichte and Schelling) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: 2003
- Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie – Ein dogmenphilosophischer Dialog.(Legal and Political Philosophy. A dogmatophilosophical dialogue) with Rolf Gröschner, Michael Henkel, Alexander Wiehart Berlin: 2000
- Das Noumenon Religion – Eine Untersuchung zur Stellung der Religion im System der praktischen Philosophie Kants. (The Noumenon Religion. An investigation into the location and function of religion within the system of Kant’s practical philosophy) Kant-Studien-Ergänzungshefte Nr. 133, Berlin / New York: 1998
Editorial Work
- Human Development in Business – Challenges for Contemporary Management, (edited by Domènec Melé and Claus Dierksmeier), Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, May 2012.
- Banking with Integrity – The Winners of the Financial Crisis, (edited by Heiko Spitzeck (lead editor), Michael Pirson, Claus Dierksmeier, Wolfgang Amann), Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London/New York, forthcoming October 2011.
- Business Schools under Fire – Humanistic Management Education as the Way Forward, (edited by Wolfgang Amann (lead editor), Michael Pirson, Ernst v. Kimakowitz, Heiko Spitzeck, Claus Dierksmeier), Palgrave Macmillan Publishers London/New York 2011.
- Humanistic Ethics in the Age of Globality, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, (edited by Claus Dierksmeier (lead editor), Ernst von Kimakowitz, Heiko Spitzeck, Michael Pirson, Wolfgang Amann), Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London/New York 2011.
- Humanistic Management in Practice, (edited by Ernst v. Kimakowitz (lead editor), Michael Pirson, Claus Dierksmeier, Heiko Spitzeck, Wolfgang Amann), Palgrave Macmillan Publishers, London/New York 2011.
- Die Ausnahme denken. Festschrift für Klaus Michael Kodalle in zwei Bänden, (Thinking the Exception. A Hommage to Klaus Michael Kodalle in two volumes), ed. by Claus Dierksmeier, Würzburg 2003.
- System als Wirklichkeit? – 200 Jahre Schellings "System des Transzendentalen Idealismus", (System as Reality? – 200 Years after Schelling’s „System of Transcendental Idealism“), Kritisches Jahrbuch der Philosophie, Bd. VI, ed. by Chr. Danz, C. Dierksmeier and Chr. Seysen, Würzburg 2001.
- Fichtes Entlassung - Der Jenaer Atheismusstreit vor 200 Jahren, (Fichte’s Dismissal. Looking back at the atheism debate 200 years ago), Kritisches Jahrbuch der Philosophie, Bd. IV, ed. by K.-M. Kodalle and M. Ohst in collaboration with C. Danz, C. Dierksmeier and C. Seysen, Würzburg 1999.
- The Freedom-Responsibility Nexus in Management Philosophy and Business Ethics in Journal of Business Ethics (1/2011), pp. 1-21
- Work – From a Materialistic to a Humanistic Account of Human Labor. in Spazio Filosofico 1/2011
- The Modern Corporation and the Idea of Freedom with Michael Pirson in Philosophy & Management, Vol. 9.3: 2010, 5-25.
- Oikonomia versus Chrematistike. Aristotle on Wealth and Well-Being witch Michael Pirson in Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 88, 417-430: 2009
- Globalization versus Globality in Lo Squadernos IX: 2008
- From Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (1781-1832) to “Krausismo” in: APA Newsletter on Hispanic / Latino Issues in Philosophy 8/1: 2008
- Harmonischer Liberalismus am Rio de la Plata (Harmonic Liberalism at the Rio de la Plata)) in Liberal 50/2008, 46-49
- Freiheit in der Politischen Ökonomie von John Kenneth Galbraith (Freedom in the Political Economy of John Kenneth Galbraith) Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 3/2007, 759-782
- Qualitative oder quantitative Freiheit? (Qualitative or quantitative freedom?) in Rechtsphilosophische Hefte XII / 2007, 107-119
- Über die Wirtschaftstheorie in Fichtes Rechtslehre von 1812 (Fichte’s theory of economics in his legal philosophy of 1812) in Fichte-Studien 29/2006, 13-29
- John Rawls und Kants langer Schatten (John Rawls and Kant’s long shadow) in Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 4/2004, p. 1297–1322
- Recht und Freiheit. Karl Christian Friedrich Krauses 'Grundlage des Naturrechts' im Kontext des Jenaer Idealismus in Internationales Jahrbuch für Deutschen Idealismus, 2/2004, p. 309-334
- Zur Theorie staatlichen Handelns bei F. A. v. Hayek (F. A. Hayek’s theory of the political action) in Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 4/2003, p. 1979–2003
- Über den gegenwärtigen Stand der Wirtschaftsphilosophie (About the current state of economic philosophy) in Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 3/2003, p. 551-561
- Die Wirtschaftsphilosophie des 'Krausismo' (The economic philosophy of „Krausismo“) in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 4/2003, p. 571-581
- ↑ Stonehill College. "Home page". Retrieved 8 May 2011.
- ↑ The Humanistic Management Network. "Team". Retrieved 8 May 2011.