Chak 130
Chak 130 SB is a village in Sillanwali tehsil, Sargodha District in Punjab, Pakistan. Its neighbouring villages are chack no. 132 SB, 128 SB, 126 SB, 131 SB, 127 SB and 50 S.B. This village is an agricultural area.
Being a part of Kirana Bar it was colonised by the British Raj after World War I. Almost all of the villagers are immigrants and came here at the time of partition. Most of the immigrants belong to the Amritsar, Jallandur, and Ambala districts of pre-partitioned Punjab.
Nowadays most of the land-owning families belong to Arain, Rajput and Jutt communities. While labourers have settled from the adjoining areas of district Jhang belonging to Syal and Musalli communities.
The village has a boys' middle school and girls' primary school. Telephone exchange serving nearby villages is located in it. A rural health centre and a veterinary hospital are also situated in this village. Three mosques are situated in the village, including a central Jamia Mosque. The two main groups living in this village are Sunni and Shia. Mahtam-e-Hussain at fire also celebrate every year at 7 Moharm. The nearest railway stations are Shaheen Abad, Nishtar Abad and Sillanwali. The nearest city is Sillanwali, which is the tehsil headquarters and police station.