Cestrum diurnum

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Cestrum diurnum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Cestrum
Species: C. diurnum
Binomial name
Cestrum diurnum

Cestrum diurnum (Din Ka Raja) is a species of Cestrum, native to the West Indies. Common names include Day-blooming Cestrum, Day-blooming Jessamine, and Day-blooming Jasmine. Also known as Din ka Raja (King of the day), in Urdu and Hindi. The scent of this quick-growing and evergreen woody shrub, often used for screens and borders, is released by day. Cestrum diurnum is easily propagated from the seed, which it produces in abundance.[1]


It is an erect evergreen woody shrub numerous leafy branches. The branches, which are green and with well-marked white lenticels when young, fawn with age. The younger parts are covered with a very sparse glandular scruf.[1]

The leaves are simple, glabrous, entire, alternate, ex-stipulate, ovate-lanceolate in shape with obtuse apex and obtusely wedge-shaped below. They are dark green above and pale below and are generally 5 inches long by 1.5 inches wide. The leaves are petiolate with petioles of 0.5 inch length.[1]

The Inflorescence consists of a long axillary peduncle which bears short clusters of sweet white-smelling flowers, each cluster supported by a leaf-like bract. The individual flowers are sessile and may be with or without bracteoles.[1]

Calyx is gamo-sepalous, about 0.15 in long, somewhat puberulent, obtusely 5-ribbed and 5-lobed with obtuse, ciliate lobes.[1]

Corolla tube is narrowly infundibuliform, white, sweet-scented, about half-inch lobed with five lobes. The lobes are very obtuse and completely recurved when the flower is fully open.[1]

Stamens oblong, five in number, alternate with the corolla lobes, brown in colour, included. Filaments adnate to the tube, free for a very short distance.[1]

Ovary seated on a nectar-secreting disk. The style is filiform and glabrous. The stigmas are truncate-capitate.[1]

Cestrum diurnum has a black, nearly globular berry.[1]


A native of the West Indies, it is widely cultivated in gardens throughout India.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Bor & Raizada (1954)Some beautiful Indian Climbers and Shrubs, pp 130-131.


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