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Carlsbergite was first described in the Agpalilik fragment of the Cape York meteorite.
Category Mineral
(repeating unit)
Strunz classification 01.BC.15
Dana classification
Crystal symmetry Isometric hexoctahedral
H-M symbol: (4/m32/m)
Space group: F m3m
Unit cell a = 4.16 Å; Z=4
Color Light gray in reflected light with rose tint
Crystal habit Oriented microscopic platelets, irregular to feathery grains
Crystal system Cubic
Mohs scale hardness 7
Luster Metallic
Diaphaneity Opaque
Specific gravity 5.9
References [1][2][3]

Carlsbergite is a nitride mineral that has the chemical formula CrN.[1]

It is named after the Carlsberg Foundation which backed the recovery of the Agpalilik fragment of the Cape York meteorite in which the mineral was first described.[1]

It occurs in meteorites along the grain boundaries of kamacite or troilite in the form of tiny plates.[1] it occurs associated with kamacite, taenite, daubreelite, troilite and sphalerite.[2]

In addition to the Cape York meteorite it has been reported from:[3]


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