Cantonal Revolution

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Federal Shield of Valencia Canton, 1873

The Cantonal Revolution was a cantonalist uprising that took place during the First Spanish Republic, starting on July 12 of 1873 in Cartagena. In the following days it spread through many regions including, Valencia, Andalusia (especially Granada[1][2]), Cartagena (which endured for several months the besieging army of Nicolás Salmerón) and in the provinces of Salamanca and Ávila, all of them in places that came to articulate cantonalism. It can also be noted, the attempt to establish cantons took place in Extremadura, Coria, Herve and Plasencia. Pi y Margall, seeing that cantons declared independent by the tardiness of the taxation of improvements, resigned from his post to be succeeded by Salmerón.

See also


  1. El Imparcial. Madrid. 26 July 1873, p. 3
  2. El Imparcial. Madrid. 22 de diciembre de 1873, p. 2

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