Candida tropicalis

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Candida tropicalis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota
Subphylum: Saccharomycotina
Class: Saccharomycetes
Order: Saccharomycetales
Family: Saccharomycetaceae
Genus: Candida
Species: C. tropicalis
Binomial name
Candida tropicalis
Berkhout, 1923[1]

Candida tropicalis is a species of yeast in the genus Candida. It is easily recognized as a common medical yeast pathogen, existing as part of the normal human flora. Candida tropicalis is a glucose and maltose fermenting yeast. It does not ferment lactose nor hydrolyze urea and has variable results when tested for sucrose, galactose, and trehalose fermentation. Candida tropicalis is a common species isolated from the blood that is not C. albicans.


Candida tropicalis can be used to produce biodiesel from olive tree.

See also


  1. Berkhout, De Schimmelgesl. Monilia, Oidium, Oospora en Torula, Disset. Ultrecht: 44 (1923)

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