California Republican Party

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California Republican Party
Chairman Jim Brulte
Assembly leadership Connie Conway
(Minority Leader)
Senate leadership Robert Dutton
(Minority Leader)
Founded 1854 (1854)
Headquarters 1903 Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91506
Ideology Center-right
Fiscal conservatism
National affiliation Republican Party
Colors Red (unofficial)
Seats in the US Senate
0 / 2
Seats in the US House
15 / 53
Statewide Executive Offices1
0 / 8
Seats in the State Senate
11 / 40
Seats in the State Assembly
25 / 80

1California Department of Education is a nonpartisan state executive position.

The California Republican Party (CRP) is the California affiliate of the United States Republican Party. The party chairman is Jim Brulte, and is based in Burbank, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. The CRP also has a headquarters in Sacramento.[1]

The party looks to enhance economic prosperity within the state, cut taxes, and eliminate government waste. The CRP is active throughout the entire state of California and is the majority party in many counties. The party also prides itself on "providing common sense solutions to the most troubling issues."[2]


Chairman Term
Frank F. Merriam 1928–1930
Marshal Hale 1930–1934
Louis B. Mayer 1932–1933
Earl Warren 1934–1936
Justus Craemer 1936–1938
Bradford Melvin 1938–1940
Thomas Kuchel 1940–1942
Edward Tickle 1942–1944
Leo Anderson 1944–1946
Arthur W. Carlson 1946–1948
Sim Delapp 1948–1950
Laughlin Waters 1950–1954
Thomas W. Caldecott 1954–1956
Al Bell 1956–1958
George W. Milias 1958–1960
John Krehbiel 1960–1962
Caspar Weinberger 1962–1964
Gaylord Parkinson 1964–1967
James Halley 1967–1969
Dennis Carpenter 1969–1971
Putnam Livermore 1971–1973
Gordon Luce 1973–1975
Paul Haerle 1975–1977
Michael B. Montgomery 1977–1979
Truman Campbell 1979–1981
Tirso del Junco 1981–1983
Ed Reinecke 1983–1985
Mike Antonovich 1985–1987
Bob Naylor 1987–1989
Frank Visco 1989–1991
Jim Dignan 1991–1993
Tirso del Junco 1993–1995
John Herrington 1995–1997
Michael J. Schroeder 1997–1999
John McGraw 1999–2001
Shawn Steel 2001–2003
George "Duf" Sundheim 2003–2007
Ron Nehring 2007–2011
Tom Del Beccaro 2011–2013
Jim Brulte 2013-present

Party Platform

Agriculture—The Republican Party supports the most efficient means of water usage among the state's farmers and ranchers. The party advocates for the development of desalination plants and recycled water.

Crime and justice—The government's job is to protect the welfare of the people and create fair and just laws in society. The party advocates victim's rights because the victim is just as important as the offender in a crime. Overcrowding is a major issue that should be solved by the creation of both private and public prisons. The Republican Party supports the use of capital punishment for heinous crimes.

Economy—"We believe people make better decisions than government. Free enterprise should be the guiding force, not government regulation." Republicans call for a cut on unnecessary spending in order to create government infrastructure that will boost the economy.

Education—All legal children have the right to a first-class education. Parents and local school boards should be the regulators of the education system. Safety is the number one priority of the children in the classroom setting. The party also contends that quality educators should be rewarded with incentives.

Family values—Marriage should be between one man and one woman. Additionally, the two-parent family is the ideal situation to raise children. Homosexuality or an "alternative" lifestyle should not be required to be taught by educators. The party is also against same-sex partner benefits as well as having custody of children.

Immigration—The party contends that the state of California is rich in the history of immigration and welcomes all legal immigrants. English should be mandatory in the workplace and all immigrants should be required to learn the language. Illegal aliens should be deported if they engage in criminal activity.

Right to life—The party supports laws that protect the life of an unborn child. Also, the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade should be reversed. Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia are not supported by the party.

Right to Keep and Bear Arms—The party believes that the disarmament of citizens is the first step towards tyranny. They believe California's gun control laws are too strict. They call for citizens to be able to own guns for law-abiding purpose. They also believe in letting California citizens with clean backgrounds carry concealed firearms. Also, they want to abolish the waiting period for guns and instead require an instant background check.

Taxes and government spending—The party is against the high taxes in the state and believes the government spends too much. California residents should not bear the burden of paying high taxes and the government should prioritize its spending. Welfare should be taken away from those who can work but refuse to do so. Reasonable work requirements should be set in place in order to regulate welfare recipients. Illegal immigrants shall not receive any assistance from the state.[3]

Elected officials

The following is a list of Republican statewide, federal, and legislative officeholders beginning in 2011:

Members of Congress

U.S. Senate

None. Both of California U.S. Senate seats have held by Democrats since 1992. John F. Seymour was the last Republican to represent California in the U.S. Senate. Appointed in 1991 by Pete Wilson who resigned his Class I Senate seat because he was elected governor in 1990, Seymour lost the 1992 special election to determine who will serve the remainder of the term expiring in 1995. Pete Wilson was also the last Republican elected to represent California in the U.S. Senate in 1988, and the last Republican to represent California for a full term in the U.S. Senate from 1983 to 1989.

U.S. House of Representatives

Out of the 53 seats California is apportioned in the U.S. House of Representatives, 15 are held by Republicans:

Statewide offices

  • None

Board of Equalization, State Senate, & State Assembly

Board of Equalization

Republicans hold 2 of the 5 seats on the State Board of Equalization:[4]

State Senate

Republicans are in the minority, holding 10 of the 40 seats in the State Senate. Republicans have been the minority party in the Senate since 1956. A special election was held in January 2013 to fill to vacancy in a seat that was previously held by Republican Doug LaMalfa, who resigned to campaign for Congress.

State Assembly

Republicans hold 25 of the 80 seats in the State Assembly.[5] The last time the Republicans were the majority party in the Assembly was during 1994–1996.

Mayoral offices

Of California's ten largest cities, two have Republican mayors in 2013:


  1. "Contact Us". California Republican Party. Retrieved on May 13, 2010.
  2. California Republican Party: About. Retrieved from
  4. California State Board of Equalization: Board members. Retrieved from
  5. Assembly members. Retrieved from
  6. City of Fresno: Mayor's office. Retrieved from
  7. Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait. Retrieved from Council/Mayor Tom Tait/

External links

Ideological organizations



Lincoln Club

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