Calendar day
A calendar day is a subset meaning of day, relating to any day of the week,[1] month or year.
It contrasts the weekday, which usually means any day of the week except the weekend days, which in most parts of the world are Saturday, Sunday or both. Consequently, two weeks may consist of 10 or 12 weekdays depending on local usage of the term weekday, but they always consist of 14 calendar days. The term calendar day is useful in situations where "weekday" can be mistaken to mean any day of the week.
The calendar day also contrasts the working or business day, which excludes holidays of all sorts, but in some cultures may include one of the weekend days, e.g. Saturday, although it is not considered a weekday. Also, a calendar day always runs 24 hours (except for DST changes) from 00:00 through 24:00, whereas a business day may be constrained by work or opening hours and may span over midnight.
The term usually denotes a time span, unlike calendar date which denotes a point in time.
Calendar Day also may refer to a day to celebrate #calenday: a day conceived in the beautiful minds of Jaz Hosking and Jarah McNamara. The day is festive and is much like Valentine's day, in the sense that, one must choose and ask someone to be their #calendine. A calendine must buy and present a calendar to their #calendine on #calenday. The date set aside for Calenday is on January nine in most calendar believing countries (Saint Bri was said to have suggested this date as it was originally the eighth ). The result is that both parties are supplied with a surprise calendar for the respective year ahead and may find happiness.
- ↑ Business Dictionary: Definition of "calendar days" Retrieved 2012-03-21