Buccinator muscle

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Buccinator muscle
Buccinator outlined in red.
Latin musculus buccinator
Gray's p.384
Origin from the alveolar processes of the maxillary bone and mandible, temporomandibular joint
Insertion    in the fibers of the orbicularis oris
Artery buccal artery
Nerve buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII cranial nerve)
Actions The buccinator compresses the cheeks against the teeth and is used in acts such as blowing. It is an assistant muscle of mastication (chewing) and in neonates it is used to suckle.

The buccinator (/ˈbʌksɪntər/[1][2] ) is a thin quadrilateral muscle, occupying the interval between the maxilla and the mandible at the side of the face. It forms the anterior part of the cheek or the lateral wall of the oral cavity. [3]


Its purpose is to pull back the angle of the mouth and to flatten the cheek area, which aids in holding the cheek to the teeth during chewing. This action causes the muscle to keep food pushed back on the occlusal surface of the posterior teeth, as when a person chews. By keeping the food in the correct position when chewing, the buccinator assists the muscles of mastication. [3]

It aids whistling and smiling, and in neonates it is used to suckle.

Origin and insertion

It arises from the outer surfaces of the alveolar processes of the maxilla and mandible, corresponding to the three pairs of molar teeth; and behind, from the anterior border of the pterygomandibular raphé which separates it from the constrictor pharyngis superior.

The fibers converge toward the angle of the mouth, where the central fibers intersect each other, those from below being continuous with the upper segment of the orbicularis oris, and those from above with the lower segment; the upper and lower fibers are continued forward into the corresponding lip without decussation.


Motor innervation is from the buccal branch of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). Sensory innervation is supplied by the buccal branch (one of the muscular branches) of mandibular nerve (cranial nerve V3).

Additional images


  1. OED 2nd edition, 1989.
  2. Entry "buccinator" in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, Fehrenbach and Herring, Elsevier, 2012, page 91

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This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.

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