Brule Formation

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Brule Formation
Stratigraphic range: Rupelian
Type Geological formation
Underlies Sharps Formation, Arikaree Formation
Overlies Chadron Formation
Thickness 6 to 65 m.[1]
Primary Fine grained clastic rocks
Other Freshwater limestone, Tuff, Sandstone
Region North Dakota, South Dakota
Country USA

The Brule Formation was deposited between 34 to 30 million years ago, roughly the Rupelian (Oligocene).[2] It is a sequence of fine grained clastic rocks (claystones, mudstones, siltstones) interbeded with freshwater carbonates, volcanic ash (tuff), and sandstone.[1]

The sandstones layers, which are up to 3 m thick, can contain mammalian fossils (e.g. the Fitterer bed). The most important fossils sites are:[1]

  • Fitterer Ranch
  • Obritsch Ranch
  • Little Badlands in Stark County
  • Chalky Buttes (including White Butte) in Slope County


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