
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Other names
  • Brogne
  • Brognola
  • Locale veronese
  • Ross-a-vis
  • Testa rossa
Country of origin Italy
Weight Male: 60 kg
  Female: 47 kg
Wool color white
Face color white with red markings
Ovis aries

The Brogna or Brogne is a breed of sheep from the province of Verona, in the Veneto in north-eastern Italy.[1] The name may derive from that of suppressed comune of Breonio, now part of Fumane.[1] It is raised principally in Lessinia, the plateau which extends from the Monti Lessini to the Po valley, in the comuni of Grezzana, Illasi, Mezzane di Sotto, Rovere Veronese, Selva di Progno and Tregnago,[2] an area which coincides with an area of Nordic Timbrian language and culture.[3] The Brogna is one of the forty-two autochthonous local sheep breeds of limited distribution for which a herdbook is kept by the Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia, the Italian national association of sheep-breeders.[3]

In the 1980s 50 head were counted and the Brogna was considered close to extinction. In 2013 total numbers for the breed were 2193.[4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Breed data sheet: Bagnolese. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed September 2013.
  2. Daniele Bigi, Alessio Zanon (2008). Atlante delle razze autoctone: Bovini, equini, ovicaprini, suini allevati in Italia (in Italian). Milan: Edagricole. ISBN 9788850652594. p. 184–85.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Le razze ovine e caprine in Italia (in Italian). Associazione Nazionale della Pastorizia: Ufficio centrale libri genealogici e registri anagrafici razze ovine e caprine. p. 50–51. Accessed September 2013.
  4. Consistenze Provinciali della Razza F5 BROGNE Anno 2013 (in Italian). Associazione Nazionale dell Pastorizia: Banca dati. Accessed September 2013.

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