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BrandZ is Millward Brown's brand equity database. It holds data from over 650,000 consumers and professionals across 31 countries, comparing over 23,000 brands.[1][2] The database is used to estimate brand valuations, and each year since 2006, has been used to generate a list of the top 100 global brands.[1][3]

The credibility of the Interbrand and BrandZ league tables have been cast into doubt by an article written in Marketing Week by Mark Ritson.[4] The lack of clear definitions and valuation dates in the both companies methodology raise questions about the subjectivity involved in brand valuations. Being part of multinational advertising groups, Interbrand and Millward Brown also suffer from the risk of objectivity. Transparency and objectivity are two of the requirements of the ISO 10668 standard of monetary brand valuations.

2011 List

Apple Inc. became the world's most valuable brand, increasing their brand value by 84% in a year and reaching a total of $153 billion.[5][6] Apple ended Google's four-year term at the top of the list.[7] The top of the list has a large number of technology companies - six of the top ten companies in the list were technology companies.[5]

In the 2011 twelve of the companies are from China, including China Mobile at number nine, in 2010 there were seven Chinese companies in the list.[7] Nineteen of the brands are from the BRICS emerging economies making up nearly a fifth of the companies in the list.[8] The most valuable luxury brand was Louis Vuitton who featured 26th in the overall list.[6] Amazon also overtook Walmart to become the most valuable retailer brand.[9]

Brand Value (M$) in year 2011
Rank Brand Value Industry
1 Apple Inc. 153285 Technology
2 Google 111498 Technology
3 IBM 100849 Technology
4 McDonald's 81016 F/D/T*
5 Microsoft 78243 Technology
6 Coca-Cola 73752 F/D/T
7 AT&T 69916 Telecom
8 Marlboro 67522 F/D/T
9 China Mobile 57326 Telecom
10 GE 50318 Technology
11 ICBC 44440 Bank
12 Vodafone 43647 Telecom
13 Verizon 42828 Telecom
14 Amazon 37628 Retail
15 Wal-Mart 37277 Retail
16 Wells Fargo 36876 Bank
17 UPS 35737 Retail
18 HP 35404 Technology
19 T-Mobile 29774 Telecom
20 Visa 28553 Finance
21 Movistar 27249 Telecom
22 Oracle 26948 Software
23 SAP 26078 Software
24 China Construction Bank 25524 Bank
25 BlackBerry 24623 Technology
26 Louis Vuitton 24312 Luxury
27 Toyota 24198 Cars
28 HSBC 22587 Bank
29 Baidu 22555 Software
30 BMW 22425 Cars
31 Tesco 21834 Retail
32 Gillette 19782 Personal Care
33 China Life 19542 Finance
34 Pampers 19350 Personal Care
35 Facebook 19102 Software
36 Orange 17597 Telecom
37 Bank of China 17530 Bank
38 Disney 17290 Software
39 RBC 17182 Bank
40 American Express 17115 Finance
41 ExxonMobil 16973 Oil & Gas
42 Toronto-Dominion 16931 Bank
43 Agri. Bk China 16909 Bank
44 Cisco 16314 Technology
45 Budweiser 15952 F/D/T
46 L'Oréal 15719 Personal Care
47 Citibank 15674 Bank
48 NTT Docomo 15449 Telecom
49 Accenture 15427 Software
50 Mercedes-Benz 15344 Cars
51 Shell 15168 Oil & Gas
52 Tencent 15131 Telecom
53 ICICI 14900 Bank
54 Subway 14306 F/D/T
55 Colgate 14258 Personal Care
56 Honda 14182 Cars
57 Nike 13917 Apparel
58 Intel 13904 Technology
59 Carrefour 13754 Retail
60 MasterCard 13543 Finance
61 Petrobras 13421 Oil & Gas
62 H&M 13006 Apparel
63 Pepsi 12931 F/D/T
64 BP 12542 Oil & Gas
65 Target 12471 Retail
66 Porsche 12413 Cars
67 Samsung 12160 Technology
68 Chase 12083 Bank
69 Standard Chartered 12033 Bank
70 Siemens 11998 Technology
71 Hermès 11917 Luxury
72 Starbucks 11901 F/D/T
73 FedEx 11759 Retail
74 O2 11694 Telecom
75 Telecom Italia 11609 Telecom
76 Telcel 11558 Telecom
77 Santander 11363 Bank
78 PetroChina 11291 Oil & Gas
79 Nintendo 11147 Technology
80 MTS India 10883 Telecom
81 Nokia 10735 Technology
82 eBay 10731 Software
83 Ping An 10540 Finance
84 U.S. Bancorp 10525 Bank
85 Sony 10443 Technology
86 Zara 10335 Apparel
87 Scotiabank 10076 Bank
88 Nissan 10072 Cars
89 Home Depot 9877 Retail
90 Itaú 9600 Bank
91 China Telecom 9587 Telecom
92 Bank of America 9358 Bank
93 Red Bull 9263 F/D/T
94 Aldi 9251 Retail
95 TIM 8838 Telecom
96 Barclays 8760 Bank
97 China Merchants Bank 8668 Bank
98 Bradesco 8600 Bank
99 Sberbank 8535 Bank
100 Goldman Sachs 8439 Finance
  • F/D/T stands for Food or Drink or Tobacco

2010 List

Google was the most valuable brand, worth $114 billion, followed by IBM and Apple Inc.[10] In the 2010 the Indian bank ICICI was the first Indian company to feature in the list.[10] In the 2010 list Financial institutions increased in value the most.[11] The Korean technology company Samsung increased its value by 80% - which was more than any other company in the list.[12]

Brand Value (M$) in year 2010
Rank Brand Value Industry
1 Google 114260 Technology
2 IBM 86383 Technology
3 Apple 83153 Technology
4 Microsoft 76344 Technology
5 Coca Cola 67983 F/D/T*
6 McDonald's 66005 F/D/T
7 Marlboro 57047 F/D/T
8 China Mobile 52616 Telecom
9 GE 45054 Technology
10 Vodafone 44404 Telecom
11 ICBC 43927 Bank
12 HP 39717 Technology
13 Wal-Mart 39421 Retail
14 BlackBerry 30708 Technology
15 Amazon 27459 Retail
16 UPS 26492 Retail
17 Tesco 25741 Retail
18 Visa 24883 Finance
19 Oracle 24817 Software
20 Verizon 24675 Telecom
21 SAP 24291 Software
22 AT&T 23714 Telecom
23 HSBC 23408 Bank
24 Bank of China 21960 Bank
25 BMW 21816 Cars
26 Toyota 21769 Cars
27 China Construction Bank 20929 Bank
28 Gillette 20663 Personal Care
29 Louis Vuitton 19781 Luxury
30 Wells Fargo 18746 Bank
31 Santander 18012 Bank
32 Nintendo 17834 Technology
33 Pampers 17434 Personal Care
34 BP 17283 Oil & Gas
35 Cisco 16719 Technology
36 RBC 16608 Bank
37 Bank of America 16393 Bank
38 Budweiser 15991 F/D/T
39 ExxonMobil 15476 Oil & Gas
40 Shell 15112 Oil & Gas
41 Disney 15000 Software
42 Carrefour 14980 Retail
43 Nokia 14866 Technology
44 Accenture 14734 Software
45 ICICI 14454 Bank
46 Honda 14303 Cars
47 Colgate 14224 Personal Care
48 Intel 14210 Technology
49 Toronto-Dominion 14202 Bank
50 L'Oréal 14129 Personal Care
51 Orange 14018 Telecom
52 PetroChina 13935 Oil & Gas
53 American Express 13912 Finance
54 Mercedes-Benz 13736 Cars
55 Citibank 13403 Bank
56 T-Mobile 13010 Telecom
57 BBVA 12977 Bank
58 NTT Docomo 12969 Telecom
59 Pepsi 12752 F/D/T
60 Nike 12597 Apparel
61 Movistar 12434 Telecom
62 Chase 12426 Bank
63 Target 12148 Retail
64 H&M 12131 Apparel
65 Subway 12032 F/D/T
66 Porsche 12021 Cars
67 Dell 11938 Technology
68 MasterCard 11659 Finance
69 Samsung 11351 Technology
70 Telcel 10850 Telecom
71 O2 10593 Telecom
72 MTS India 9723 Telecom
73 Petrobras 9675 Oil & Gas
74 FedEx 9418 Retail
75 Baidu 9356 Software
76 eBay 9328 Software
77 Siemens 9293 Technology
78 Goldman Sachs 9283 Finance
79 Wrigley's 9201 F/D/T
80 Zara 8986 Apparel
81 Home Depot 8971 Retail
82 Red Bull 8917 F/D/T
83 Aldi 8747 Retail
84 Nissan 8607 Cars
85 Starbucks 8490 F/D/T
86 Hermès 8457 Luxury
87 Barclays 8383 Bank
88 U.S. Bancorp 8377 Bank
89 Standard Chartered 8327 Bank
90 China Merchants Bank 8236 Bank
91 State Farm 8214 Finance
92 Beeline 8160 Telecom
93 JP Morgan 8159 Finance
94 Sony 8147 Technology
95 Morgan Stanley 8003 Finance
96 Auchan 7848 Retail
97 Gucci 7588 Luxury
98 Bradesco 7450 Bank
99 Avon 7293 Personal Care
100 TIM 7280 Telecom
  • F/D/T stands for Food or Drink or Tobacco

2009 List

The 2009 list was headed by Google followed by Microsoft, Coca-Cola, IBM and McDonald's.[13]

Brand Value (M$) in year 2009
Rank Brand Value Industry
1 Google 100039 Software
2 Microsoft 76249 Software
3 Coca Cola 67625 F/D/T*
4 IBM 66622 Technology
5 McDonald's 66575 F/D/T
6 Apple 63113 Technology
7 China Mobile 61283 Telecom
8 GE 59793 Technology
9 Vodafone 53727 Telecom
10 Marlboro 49460 F/D/T
11 Wal-Mart 41083 Retail
12 ICBC 38056 Bank
13 Nokia 35163 Technology
14 Toyota 29907 Cars
15 UPS 27842 Retail
16 BlackBerry 27478 Technology
17 HP 26745 Technology
18 BMW 23948 Cars
19 SAP 23615 Software
20 Disney 23110 Software
21 Tesco 22938 Retail
22 Gillette 22919 Personal Care
23 Intel 22851 Technology
24 China Cons. Bk 22811 Bank
25 Oracle 21438 Software
26 Amazon 21294 Retail
27 Bof China 21192 Bank
28 AT&T 20059 Telecom
29 Louis Vuitton 19395 Luxury
30 HSBC 19079 Bank
31 Pampers 18945 Personal Care
32 Nintendo 18233 Technology
33 Cisco 17965 Technology
34 Verizon 17713 Telecom
35 Porsche 17467 Cars
36 Visa 16353 Finance
37 Wells Fargo 16228 Bank
38 Santander 16035 Bank
39 NTT Docomo 15776 Telecom
40 Mercedes 15499 Cars
41 Bof America 15480 Bank
42 Dell 15422 Technology
43 Accenture 15076 Software
44 Pepsi 14996 F/D/T
45 L'Oréal 14991 Personal Care
46 American Express 14963 Finance
47 Carrefour 14961 Retail
48 RBC 14894 Bank
49 Citibank 14608 Bank
50 Honda 14571 Cars
51 Siemens 13562 Technology
52 Budweiser 13292 F/D/T
53 Orange 13242 Telecom
54 eBay 12970 Software
55 BBVA 12549 Bank
56 Colgate 12396 Personal Care
57 Target 12254 Retail
58 H&M 12061 Apparel
59 Nike 11999 Apparel
60 Subway 10997 F/D/T
61 Toronto-Dominion 10991 Bank
62 Movistar 10911 Telecom
63 T-Mobile 10864 Telecom
64 Wrigley's 10841 F/D/T
65 Auchan 10586 Retail
66 Chase 10582 Bank
67 Nissan 10206 Cars
68 DHL 9719 Retail
69 FedEx 9491 Retail
70 Home Depot 9280 Retail
71 MTS India 9189 Telecom
72 Beeline 8884 Telecom
73 Canon 8779 Technology
74 Aldi 8638 Retail
75 Avon 8631 Personal Care
76 Zara 8609 Apparel
77 O2 8601 Telecom
78 Std. Chartered 8219 Bank
79 Red Bull 8154 F/D/T
80 China Merchand 8052 Bank
81 Yahoo! 7927 Software
82 Hermès 7862 Luxury
83 JP Morgan 7852 Finance
84 Ariel 7777 Personal Care
85 Tide 7512 Personal Care
86 Gucci 7468 Luxury
87 Mastercard 7427 Finance
88 Goldman Sachs 7415 Finance
89 Starbucks 7260 F/D/T
90 Barclays 6992 Bank
91 State Farm 6922 Finance
92 Morgan Stanley 6765 Finance
93 ING 6743 Bank
94 KFC 6721 F/D/T
95 IKEA 6713 Retail
96 Nivea 6572 Personal Care
97 Esprit 6571 Apparel
98 Bradesco 6565 Bank
99 TIM 6409 Telecom
100 Lowe's 6394 Retail
  • F/D/T stands for Food or Drink or Tobacco

2008 List

Brand Value (M$) in year 2008
Rank Brand Value Industry
1 Google 86057 Software
2 GE 71379 Technology
3 Microsoft 70887 Software
4 Coca-Cola 58208 F/D/T*
5 China Mobile 57225 Telecom
6 IBM 55335 Technology
7 Apple 55206 Technology
8 McDonald's 49499 F/D/T
9 Nokia 43975 Technology
10 Marlboro 37324 F/D/T
11 Vodafone 36962 Telecom
12 Toyota 35134 Cars
13 Wal-Mart 34547 Retail
14 Bof America 33092 Bank
15 Citibank 30318 Bank
16 HP 29278 Technology
17 BMW 28015 Cars
18 ICBC 28004 Bank
19 Louis Vuitton 25739 Luxury
20 American Express 24816 Finance
21 Wells Fargo 24739 Bank
22 Cisco 24101 Technology
23 Disney 23705 Software
24 UPS 23610 Retail
25 Tesco 23208 Retail
26 Oracle 22904 Software
27 Intel 22027 Technology
28 Porsche 21718 Cars
29 SAP 21669 Software
30 Gillette 21523 Personal Care
31 China Cons. Bk 19603 Bank
32 Bof China 19418 Bank
33 Verizon 19202 Telecom
34 RBC 18995 Bank
35 HSBC 18479 Bank
36 Mercedes 18044 Cars
37 Honda 16649 Cars
38 L'Oréal 16459 Personal Care
39 Pepsi 15404 F/D/T
40 Home Depot 15378 Retail
41 Dell 15288 Technology
42 Deutsche Bank 15104 Bank
43 ING 15080 Bank
44 Carrefour 15057 Retail
45 NTT Docomo 15048 Telecom
46 Target 14738 Retail
47 Siemens 14665 Technology
48 Santander 14549 Bank
49 Accenture 14137 Software
50 Orange 14093 Telecom
51 BlackBerry 13734 Technology
52 Chase 12782 Bank
53 Nike 12499 Apparel
54 Canon 12398 Technology
55 AT&T 12030 Telecom
56 Starbucks 12011 F/D/T
57 Goldman Sachs 11944 Finance
58 Samsung 11870 Technology
59 Nissan 11707 Cars
60 Marks & Spencer 11600 Retail
61 Amazon 11511 Retail
62 Yahoo! 11465 Software
63 Morgan Stanley 11327 Finance
64 UBS 11220 Bank
65 eBay 11200 Software
66 H&M 11182 Apparel
67 Wachovia 11022 Finance
68 Ford 10971 Cars
69 Chevrolet 10862 Cars
70 Budweiser 10839 F/D/T
71 Colgate 10576 Personal Care
72 Harley-Davidson 10401 Cars
73 Subway 10335 F/D/T
74 Merrill Lynch 9802 Finance
75 JP Morgan 9762 Finance
76 Hermès 9631 Luxury
77 BBVA 9457 Bank
78 State Farm 9425 Finance
79 Gucci 9341 Luxury
80 Cartier 9285 Luxury
81 FedEx 9273 Retail
82 Tide 9123 Personal Care
83 T-Mobile 8940 Telecom
84 Zara 8682 Apparel
85 Chanel 8656 Luxury
86 IKEA 8507 Retail
87 Ariel 8437 Personal Care
88 Movistar 8117 Telecom
89 MTS India 8077 Telecom
90 Esprit 7907 Apparel
91 TIM 7903 Telecom
92 Motorola 7575 Technology
93 Barclays 7382 Bank
94 Avon 7209 Personal Care
95 Auchan 7148 Retail
96 VW 7143 Cars
97 AXA 7141 Finance
98 AIG 7102 Finance
99 Mastercard 6970 Finance
100 Std. Chartered 6855 Bank
  • F/D/T stands for Food or Drink or Tobacco

2007 List

Brand Value (M$) in year 2007
Rank Brand Value Industry
1 Google 66434 Software
2 GE 61880 Technology
3 Microsoft 54951 Software
4 Coca Cola 44134 F/D/T*
5 China Mobile 41214 Telecom
6 Marlboro 39166 F/D/T
7 Wal-Mart 36880 Retail
8 Citibank 33706 Bank
9 IBM 33572 Technology
10 Toyota 33427 Cars
11 McDonald's 33138 F/D/T
12 Nokia 31670 Technology
13 Bank of America 28767 Bank
14 BMW 25751 Cars
15 HP 24987 Technology
16 Apple 24728 Technology
17 UPS 24580 Retail
18 Wells Fargo 24284 Bank
19 American Express 23113 Finance
20 Louis Vuitton 22686 Luxury
21 Disney 22572 Software
22 Vodafone 21107 Telecom
23 NTT Docomo 19450 Telecom
24 Cisco 18812 Technology
25 Intel 18707 Technology
26 Home Depot 18335 Retail
27 SAP 18103 Software
28 Gillette 17954 Personal Care
29 Mercedes 17813 Cars
30 Oracle 17809 Software
31 HSBC 17457 Bank
32 Tesco 16649 Retail
33 ICBC 16460 Bank
34 Verizon 16261 Telecom
35 Starbucks 16057 F/D/T
36 Honda 15465 Cars
37 Dell 13903 Technology
38 Bof China 13689 Bank
39 RBC 13624 Bank
40 Porsche 13372 Cars
41 Deutsche Bank 13210 Bank
42 Yahoo! 13201 Software
43 eBay 12927 Software
44 Samsung 12742 Technology
45 Ford 12627 Cars
46 L'Oréal 12303 Personal Care
47 Santander 12094 Bank
48 Pepsi 11756 F/D/T
49 Carrefour 11710 Retail
50 Merrill Lynch 11655 Finance
51 UBS 11591 Bank
52 Target 11560 Retail
53 ING 11539 Bank
54 Canon 11413 Technology
55 Sony 11389 Technology
56 Morgan Stanley 11204 Finance
57 Chevrolet 11202 Cars
58 Nissan 11189 Cars
59 Chase 11182 Bank
60 Motorola 10787 Technology
61 China Cons. Bk 10757 Bank
62 Accenture 10534 Software
63 Nike 10290 Apparel
64 Harley-Davidson 10269 Cars
65 Wachovia 10035 Finance
66 Budweiser 9977 F/D/T
67 Orange 9922 Telecom
68 Marks & Spencer 9509 Retail
69 FedEx 9310 Retail
70 Cingular 9260 Telecom
71 Siemens 9111 Technology
72 State Farm 8738 Finance
73 H&M 8711 Apparel
74 JP Morgan 8490 Finance
75 TIM 8440 Telecom
76 Goldman Sachs 8239 Finance
77 T-Mobile 8047 Telecom
78 Colgate 7711 Personal Care
79 Chanel 7499 Luxury
80 Subway 7433 F/D/T
81 IKEA 7373 Retail
82 RBS 7200 Bank
83 VW 7033 Cars
84 Cartier 7021 Luxury
85 Hermès 6939 Luxury
86 Best Buy 6674 Retail
87 Barclays 6612 Bank
88 Avon 6558 Personal Care
89 Gucci 6524 Luxury
90 Zara 6469 Apparel
91 WaMu 6126 Bank
92 Amazon 5964 Retail
93 BP 5931 Oil & Gas
94 AIG 5880 Finance
95 ABN AMRO 5617 Bank
96 Auchan 5570 Retail
97 Asda 5540 Retail
98 Lexus 5421 Cars
99 Esprit 5411 Apparel
100 Rolex 5387 Luxury
  • F/D/T stands for Food or Drink or Tobacco

2006 List

Brand Value (M$) in year 2006
Rank Brand Value Industry
1 Microsoft 62039 Software
2 GE 55834 Technology
3 Coca-Cola 41406 F/D/T*
4 China Mobile 39168 Telecom
5 Marlboro 38510 F/D/T
6 Wal-Mart 37567 Retail
7 Google 37445 Software
8 IBM 36084 Technology
9 Citibank 31028 Bank
10 Toyota 30201 Cars
11 McDonald's 28985 F/D/T
12 Bof America 28155 Bank
13 Home Depot 27312 Retail
14 Nokia 26538 Technology
15 Intel 25156 Technology
16 Vodafone 24072 Telecom
17 BMW 23820 Cars
18 Disney 22232 Software
19 UPS 21829 Retail
20 Cisco 20922 Technology
21 HP 19732 Technology
22 TIM 19551 Telecom
23 NTT Docomo 19518 Telecom
24 Louis Vuitton 19479 Luxury
25 American Express 18780 Finance
26 Dell 18303 Technology
27 Gillette 17832 Personal Care
28 Mercedes 17801 Cars
29 Apple 15976 Technology
30 Tesco 15532 Retail
31 Movistar 15188 Telecom
32 Verizon 14908 Telecom
33 Honda 14394 Cars
34 Yahoo! 14101 Software
35 Oracle 13913 Software
36 HSBC 13889 Bank
37 Ford 13844 Cars
38 eBay 13191 Software
39 Deutsche Bank 13022 Bank
40 Santander 12537 Bank
41 Chevrolet 12458 Cars
42 Pfizer 12372 Personal Care
43 Samsung 12028 Technology
44 Porsche 12025 Cars
45 T-Mobile 11870 Telecom
46 Budweiser 11724 F/D/T
47 Pepsi 11484 F/D/T
48 Starbucks 11077 F/D/T
49 Nissan 10915 Cars
50 Carrefour 10803 Retail
51 Nike 10783 Apparel
52 L'Oréal 10692 Personal Care
53 Morgan Stanley 10619 Finance
54 Wachovia 10228 Finance
55 Merrill Lynch 10073 Finance
56 Harley-Davidson 9955 Cars
57 Canon 9908 Technology
58 Accenture 9786 Software
59 Chase 9716 Bank
60 SAP 9574 Software
61 UBS 9541 Bank
62 Orange 9431 Telecom
63 Sony 9358 Technology
64 Motorola 9072 Technology
65 Goldman Sachs 8863 Finance
66 FedEx 8240 Retail
67 H&M 8022 Apparel
68 State Farm 7905 Finance
69 IKEA 7206 Retail
70 JP Morgan 7078 Finance
71 VW 6793 Cars
72 Siemens 6741 Technology
73 Cingular 6680 Telecom
74 Avon 6598 Personal Care
75 Chanel 6499 Luxury
76 ING 6353 Bank
77 Target 6135 Retail
78 Amazon 5983 Retail
79 Colgate 5839 Personal Care
80 AIG 5665 Finance
81 Wrigley's 5550 F/D/T
82 Cartier 5548 Luxury
83 BP 5470 Oil & Gas
84 Auchan 5354 Retail
85 Electronic Arts 5300 Software
86 Renault 5173 Cars
87 Zara 5112 Apparel
88 Barclays 5070 Bank
89 Lexus 5050 Cars
90 Rolex 4925 Luxury
91 Allstate 4842 Finance
92 Hermès 4830 Luxury
93 Caterpillar 4747 Technology
94 Mizuho 4740 Bank
95 WaMu 4686 Bank
96 Asda 4650 Retail
97 Mitsui Sumitomo 4528 Finance
98 Gucci 4370 Luxury
99 Esprit 4206 Apparel
100 Hennessy 4191 Luxury
  • F/D/T stands for Food or Drink or Tobacco

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Global brand values in the hot seat, Mark Ritson, The Age, May 23, 2006. Accessed on line November 30, 2007.
  2. BrandZ - brand equity. Accessed on line November 30, 2007.
  3. VIEWPOINT: Step nearer to brand valuation 'perfection', Marketing Week, April 20, 2006. Accessed on line November 30, 2007.
  5. 5.0 5.1 "Apple surges to top of BrandZ ranking". Financial Times. 9 May 2011. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 "The world's most valuable luxury brand". Sydney Morning Herald. 9 May 2011. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Twelve Chinese brands named among top 100". Global Times. 9 May 2011. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  8. "Brics have 19 of the top 100 brands". The Star. 9 May 2011. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  9. "Apple Replaces Google as World's Most Valuable Brand". Time. 9 May 2011. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 "ICICI 45th most valuable brand in world: BrandZ Top 100". Times of India. 29 April 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  11. "Across the sectors: brand value rankings for 17 business categories". Financial Times. 28 April 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  12. "Fastest risers and worst fallers". Financial Times. 28 April 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2011. 
  13. 2009 BrandZ Top 100 Most Powerful Brands, Millward Brown. Accessed on line May 1, 2009.

External links

  • BrandZ website - Detailed information about BrandZ and a selection of freely downloadable papers which have been written using the database.
  • An excel database containing the tables shown above.
This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike; additional terms may apply for the media files.